Are obituaries required in California?

Are obituaries required in California?

A statement of death and a death certificate are legally required. Generally, local ordinances or deed restrictions prohibit private burials within city limits. Check with the State Health Department and local zoning authorities for applicable laws. Embalming is not required by California law.

Are autopsies mandatory in California?

California law establishes four mandatory circumstances in which an autopsy must be performed by a county coroner: Suspicion of foul play. Suspicion of infectious or contagious disease. Infant death.

Is an autopsy required if someone dies at home?

Arrange for the body to be transported to the morgue or a funeral home/crematorium. Generally, if the deceased was elderly and was under a doctor’s care, it is unlikely that an autopsy will need to be performed. If this is the case, a funeral home can transport the individual.

Can a family refuse an autopsy?

The immediate family has the right to refuse or agree to a hospital autopsy of the deceased. They may also choose to consent to an autopsy, but limit the extent of the examination. They can also decide whether or not organs or samples taken from the body may be kept for further study.

What situations require an autopsy?

Under What Circumstances Will an Autopsy be Performed?

  • The death is known or suspected to have been caused by apparent criminal violence.
  • The death is unexpected and unexplained in an infant or child.
  • The death is associated with police action.
  • The death is apparently non-natural and in custody of a local, state, or federal institution.

Are autopsy done on everyone?

Autopsies are not performed on everyone. For people who pass away in the hospital, the family (or next of kin) is asked if they would like an autopsy. If the patient has advance directives or a living will that specifically describes their wishes — this will be respected.

What religions do not allow autopsy?

Hinduism, Rastafarianism Autopsies are considered “extremely distasteful. ‘ Greek Orthodoxy, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism Except when required by law, autopsies are forbidden. Bahaism, Buddhism, IMonfundamentalist Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Sikhism Autopsies are permitted.