Do you need a lawyer to get a divorce in California?

Do you need a lawyer to get a divorce in California?

File Divorce in California Without A Lawyer. If you want to file a divorce in California, you are not required to hire a lawyer. In fact, most divorce proceedings can be easily handled without lawyers and the high expense that comes with their services.

How long does it take in California to get a divorce?

6 months

How many years do you have to be married to get spousal support in California?

Under California Law, the general presumption for duration of support is “one-half the length of the marriage,” for marriages of fewer than 10 years. This means that if you were married for six years, the judge has the right to limit alimony for one-half of the marriage if the need exists (three years).

Is alimony for the rest of your life?

Permanent alimony does not necessarily mean that the payment will last for the rest of one’s life, but until the occurrence of a terminating factor such as: cohabitation; remarriage; or death of the payee spouse. There is no set time for rehabilitative alimony to end and is determined based on the individual situation.

How long is alimony paid in California?

The general rule is that spousal support will last for half the length of a marriage that was legally valid for ten years or less. Spousal support durations for long term marriages, which are those lasting more than ten years, differ and may be assigned for an indefinite term.

Do you still get alimony if you remarry?

Yes. The obligation to pay future alimony ends when the supported spouse remarries. The paying spouse doesn’t have to return to court—payments may simply stop as of the date of the marriage. The payor is entitled to reimbursement for all maintenance paid from that date forward.

Can ex wife go after new wife’s income?

If your ex-spouse remarries, the new spouse is not responsible for providing for your children financially, in most cases. In certain situations, however, the new spouse’s income may become part of community property shared with your ex-spouse and be considered in the child support calculation.

Is alimony automatic in California?

Alimony Is Automatic Instead, alimony is something one spouse must request during the complex divorce process. California law does not automatically obligate one spouse to start making payments to the other after a divorce. Alimony is not a “one-size-fits-all” court order with automatic payment amounts.

Do I have to pay spousal support when I retire?

You’re not necessarily exempt from paying spousal support simply because you divorced during retirement. However, the courts will take your lowered income into consideration if you have indeed retired. Your alimony payments will be determined by your retirement income, not the income you received prior to retirement.

Do I have to pay alimony if my spouse refuses to work?

A judge may order you to pay spousal support for a set period of time, to give your spouse time to get back to work. If your spouse is capable of work but refuses to get a job, that is no longer your problem once you have fulfilled your court obligations for paying support.