Does infidelity affect divorce in Arizona?

Does infidelity affect divorce in Arizona?

Arizona is a \u201cno-fault divorce\u201d state, which means that the court does not look for fault on the part of either spouse. In fact, Arizona judges are prohibited from considering evidence of adultery when deciding on matters such as spousal maintenance, often known as alimony.

Was adultery common in medieval times?

While adultery was not quite as common as simple fornication, it too seems to have been relatively widespread. It was so common in fact that by the later Middle Ages it was not even considered grounds for the dissolution of marriage (Brundage, 455).

Does adultery affect divorce settlement UK?

Does adultery affect the divorce settlement? So, it’s highly unlikely that the court will take adultery into account when making a decision regarding the financial aspects of the marriage. If you filed for divorce because of adultery, you should not expect to receive a more favourable settlement as a consequence.

How often does infidelity lead to divorce?

Divorce Stats Based on Infidelity Infidelity in the United States is said to be responsible for 20-40% of divorces. This is a finding by the American Psychological Association.