How can I find out if my spouse is hiding money?

How can I find out if my spouse is hiding money?

Investigate credit card payments A careful analysis of bank statements also can reveal red flags that your spouse is hiding money. Look for wire transfers or electronic payments to accounts you don’t recognize. Also check credit card statements to see where the payments are coming from.

Can my wife get my IRA in a divorce?

IRA funds can be transferred tax free from one spouse to the other only if allowed under a court-approved divorce decree or legal separation agreement. Generally, IRAs are included in property settlement agreements between married couples who divorce.

Does my ex wife get half of my Social Security?

Depending on eligibility, a divorced spouse may indeed be able to collect Social Security benefits through an ex if they were married for at least 10 years. If requirements are met, and if divorced and not remarried, a former spouse can claim 50% of an ex’s benefits, or 100% if/when the ex passes away.

Can I collect Social Security from my ex husband if I remarried and divorced?

As a divorced spouse you can collect benefits on your ex-spouse’s record, even if the ex-spouse has remarried and even if the ex-spouse’s new spouse is collecting on the same record. Your ex-spouse is eligible for retirement benefits. You are currently unmarried.