How do I close a post office card when someone dies?

How do I close a post office card when someone dies?

to the Post Office Savings Bank, Deceased Section….All you have to do is get a claim form from any post office and send it with the following:Death certificate.Post Office deposit book (keep a record of the number)Original will or certified copy of the will (this will be returned by registered post)

Are post office accounts closing?

POCA has been a mechanism for DWP to pay state pensions and benefits to people since 2003, but its contract with the Post Office will end in November 2021. The department has been writing to pensioners over the last three years saying they are now expected to use bank accounts.

How do I inform the post office of a death?

To forward the deceased’s mail to yourself or to a different address, you must file a request at your local Post Office. You will need to: Provide valid proof that you are the appointed executor or administrator authorized to manage the deceased’s mail. Complete a Forwarding Change of Address order at the Post Office.