How do I get a divorce while stationed overseas?

How do I get a divorce while stationed overseas?

Some things to consider when filing for divorce while living overseas include:Talk with a civilian attorney or the military legal assistance office if you own property overseas, such as a house.Family members and their property may be brought home at government expense before the service member’s tour of duty ends.

Can you date someone while going through a divorce in Texas?

Technically, yes. There are no specific laws in Texas about whether a person can date while going through a divorce. However, under certain circumstances, dating while in the process of filing for divorce or finalizing a divorce could cause complications. In the eyes of the law, dating could be seen as adultery.

Who gets house in Texas divorce?

Generally, anything that is not separate property in a Texas divorce is marital property (although the two can get mixed up). Going back to the examples above, that means that the Corvette and wife’s income are assets earned and used by both spouses after marriage, so those assets are marital property.