How does child support work with joint custody in California?

How does child support work with joint custody in California?

California’s child support laws are based on the principle that each parent is obligated to support their children financially — according to their situation. If each parent has a similar income and they split custody evenly, then there may not be a child support obligation for each parent.

Is child support always awarded?

Child support amounts are predictable and consistent, and the vast majority of parents are setting child support amounts without going to court. Still, there is room for improvement-in terms of what the law says and how it works.

Is there a maximum amount of child support in California?

California is one of the few states that does not put a cap on how much child support a parent has to pay. The amount you have to pay in California is a legal calculation based on wages and income, custody time, and other key factors.

Can a state refuse to extradite?

If the fugitive refuses to waive extradition, the original state prepares a request to have the fugitive returned. Extradition requests are made from the office of one state’s governor to the other.

What are extraditable offenses?

Some crimes which may be subject to extradition include murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking, terrorism, rape, sexual assault, burglary, embezzlement, arson, or espionage.

What can you be extradited for?

There are certain types of crimes that are more serious and can lead to direct and immediate extradition. These include treason, felony crimes and anything that involves fleeing from justice in the location when he or she is found in another area.

What happens if a person commits a crime in one state but is captured in another?

If somebody is charged with a crime in one state, then runs from the police to another state, the Governor of the state in which the crime was committed can demand the return of that person, and the other state must obey. The Extradition Clause is yet another provision which normalizes legal processes among the states.

Which countries do not extradite?

The Best Non-Extradition Countries For Your Escape Plan

  • Russia, China, and Mongolia.
  • Brunei.
  • The Gulf States.
  • Montenegro.
  • Eastern Europe: Ukraine and Moldova.
  • South-East Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
  • Island Nations: Maldives, Vanuatu, and Indonesia.
  • Africa: Ethiopia, Botswana, and Tunisia.

Can a country refuse to extradite?

The refusal of a country to extradite suspects or criminals to another may lead to international relations being strained. Often, the country to which extradition is refused will accuse the other country of refusing extradition for political reasons (regardless of whether or not this is justified).

Can you be extradited from Switzerland?

Extraditions between Switzerland and the US are carried out on the basis of the bilateral extradition treaty of 1990, which replaced the old agreement dating back to 1900. The new treaty has simplified extradition procedures and extended the obligation to extradite.

Why do criminals go to Mexico?

Mexico has long held a reputation for being a haven for criminals fleeing the United States, with the term “heading south of the border” often applied to those seeking to flee the United States legal system . Dog the Bounty Hunter once entered Mexico to bring back a U.S. fugitive.

Does Mexico have an extradition agreement with the US?

The US and Mexico have had an extradition treaty in place since 1862, which was renewed in 1978. However, that treaty doesn’t require either nation to extradite its own citizens.

Will Mexico extradite back to the US?

Most of the fugitives returned to the U.S. by extradition are Mexican citizens. Since 2005, Mexico has deported between 150 and 200 fugitives to face justice in the U.S.

When did Mexico start extradition?


Does New Mexico have extradition?

Yes, New Mexico will extradite a defendant if another state requests it or if law enforcement arrests a party with an outstanding warrant – even for a misdemeanor offense from another state.

Who has been extradited?

Pages in category “People extradited to the United States”

  • Yamil Abreu Navarro.
  • Sulaiman Abu Ghaith.
  • John Alite.
  • Peter Alston.
  • Luis Arce Gómez.
  • Louis Attanasio.

Is there extradition in Panama?

Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama, providing for the extradition of criminals. Extradition shall be granted for the following crimes and offenses: Page 2 1. Murder, comprehending assassination, parricide, infanticide and poisoning.