How does Social Security get divided in a divorce?

How does Social Security get divided in a divorce?

Social Security Is Not Divided Like Other Retirement Funds When a couple gets divorced, pensions and retirement accounts are generally split in a procedure known as equitable distribution or asset division. There is no procedure for including Social Security payments in the division of assets during a divorce.

Is Social Security part of divorce settlement?

According to Federal statute, Social Security benefits are not divisible in divorce proceedings, and therefore cannot be considered a marital asset subject to distribution. However, federal law does not prohibit the division of pension benefits that are received in lieu of Social Security.

Is Social Security income community property in California?

Although retirement benefits are generally community property under California law, federal law mandates that Social Security is separate property.

Is Social Security a marital asset?

Social Security is a federal program designed to provide economic security for the retired and disabled. Federal law has clearly stated that state courts can’t treat social security as marital property; the benefits will always be the separate property of the spouse who accumulated them. …

What is considered community income in California?

Under California’s community property laws, any interest or income accumulated in a 401(k), pension, military pension plan, or profit-sharing plan during the marriage is community property.