Is 60k a good salary in California?

Is 60k a good salary in California?

Can a 60k salary afford living in California? Yes, that is only somewhat less than the median household income in California ($71,8, per California State Household Income ), so as an individual income it is higher than the median California personal income.

What is middle class income in California?

US Household Income by TierLocationMiddle Income3Arizona$rkansas$alifornia$olorado$weitere Zeilen•

Can you live off 60k a year in California?

Sure, you could live there on $60K a year. But it’s all about how nice a place you require, what your recreational and social activities cost, etc. Also what your women friends require. From dating sites in Southern California, it seems you need to be over six feet tall and love to travel the world.

Can you live in LA on 40000 a year?

A 40k salary won’t get you very far in a pricey city like LA. Buying a house is probably out of the question, unless you want some house in really bad condition that you are willing to put a lot of time into renovating. Probably you would be better off renting a studio or 1 bedroom.

How well can you live on 50k a year?

A $50,000 salary may not be as much as it used to be, but it’s still a respectable salary. If you’re wondering what’s a good salary, check with the U.S. Census Bureau. For 2017, the median household income was $61,372, but that factors in two-income households as well, across both high- and low-cost states.

Can you live in San Francisco on 50k?

San Francisco has become one of the most expensive Cities in the World. Back to your question, living on 50k a year is next to impossible in the City. You would most likely end up sharing a house or flat with 10 or more people and still you would have to pay a high amount for rent.

Is 80k a lot of money?

If you are living in a rural area, especially on the south or midwestern US, 80K is pretty good salary. Some careers offer 80K as a starting salary, but on average it will take a good few years of work experience, higher education, or at least a manager level job, to make that money.