What happens at my uncontested divorce hearing?

What happens at my uncontested divorce hearing?

The judge is not making any decisions for you at your uncontested divorce hearing. Instead, he or she will review your agreement and may ask you and your spouse some questions about it. Typically, both spouses will need to attend the hearing. You can then request a copy of your final divorce decree from the Court.

How long does a uncontested divorce take in Virginia?

30 to 90 days

Can one attorney represent both parties in a divorce?

However, one attorney cannot represent both parties. An attorney is ethically prohibited from representing two people with conflicting interests who are in a dispute. The parties can attempt mediation without the use of attorneys, but the mediator cannot give legal advice to either party.

What is new divorce law in India?

Divorce by mutual consent is granted when both the spouse mutual decide to separate. Section 13B of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and Section 28 of Special Marriages Act, 1954 states that spouses need to be staying separately for over a period of one year to be able to file for divorce by mutual consent.