What is the cheapest way to get a divorce in California?

What is the cheapest way to get a divorce in California?

Some of the most inexpensive divorce options include: The county clerk’s office provides information packets for couples who want to file divorce pro se. This is the least expensive way to file. Several state-specific self-help divorce books are written for couples who want a \u201cDIY\u201d divorce.

What is the cheapest way to get a divorce?

The cheapest way to get the divorce would be to fill out the papers together with your spouse, rather than having a lawyer fill out of the papers, and jointly ask for the divorce order. You can find the papers online, fill them out with your spouse and then bring them to the court to be filed.

How many wives can you have in California?

California law makes it a crime to marry more than one person. The law, however, has not been tested on constitutional grounds. There is an 1878 U.S. Supreme Court decision arising from Utah that held the First Amendment does not prohibit a statute outlawing polygamy.