What should you not tell your boss?

What should you not tell your boss?

5 things you should never tell your boss (and what to say instead…“That’s not in my job description” We all have our share of grunt work to tackle on the job, whether we’re entry-level assistants or senior-level executives. “That’s not what you said” “It’s not my fault” “It can’t be done” “It’s not fair”

Can I be fired for getting divorced?

With the lengthy court visits and needing to request a lot of time off, it can be stressful for employer and employee alike. Though inconveniet, it still isn’t right for an employer to fire a divorced employee. In fact, marital status is one of many protected categories in workplace anti-discrimination laws.

What happens if I lose my job during divorce?

The judge will most likely hold you to the level of financial responsibility you would have had prior to losing your job. It is up to you to find another job in which you can earn an income level that will ensure that you can meet your financial responsibilities.

How does divorce affect work?

The effects of divorce in the workplace are staggering. Employees struggling through a divorce are often tardy or miss work and have poor performance and lower productivity than their colleagues. And, though they may be at work, they’re often absent mentally, emotionally and creatively. lost productivity.