Which king has maximum wives?

Which king has maximum wives?

King Solomon

Who is the biggest family in the world?

The world’s largest family is said to be from Baktwang, India, where father Ziona Chana has 94 children by 39 different wives. Mr Chana, who has said he is a “lucky man”, lives in a 100-room, four-story home with another 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren.

How many wives can a man have in Nigeria?

four wives

Which Mormon had the most wives?

Notes: Succeeded Smith as leader of the LDS Church. Was also Governor of Utah Territory from Febru to Ap. Is probably the most famous Latter Day Saint polygamist with 55 wives.

Who has the most husbands in the world?

Scotty Wolfe

Is it a sin to have two wives?

“In the case of polygamy, there is a universal standard – it is understood to be a sin, therefore polygamists are not admitted to positions of leadership including Holy Orders, nor after acceptance of the Gospel can a convert take another wife, nor, in some areas, are they admitted to Holy Communion.”