Who keeps the baby after divorce?

Who keeps the baby after divorce?

Generally in most states, both parents continue to have joint legal custody after divorce, meaning both parents have equal rights to make child-rearing decisions. However, courts may award sole legal custody to one parent under some rare circumstances.

Can a spouse keep your child from you?

Your wife can withhold the children from you, but withholding children from a parent is not an action that a court will like. It could work against her. If this happens, you will want to immediately file for a custody and visitation timeshare.

Can you buy a house with your boyfriend?

Because mortgage lenders treat married couples as a single entity, these couples can qualify for sizeable loans with good terms and rates as long as one partner has a good credit history. However, lenders treat unmarried couples as individual home buyers.

Can an unmarried couple get a FHA loan?

Most first time buyers, including singles, married couples, and unmarried borrowers alike, opt for FHA loan. The FHA is for most unmarried couples, partners, or friends who want to buy a home together, the go to source. The minimum down payment requirement of a FHA loan is only 3.5%.

Can I buy a house if my wife has bad credit?

If your spouse has a significant amount of debt as compared with income and they’re applying for the mortgage along with you, it might be denied. Even if your joint mortgage application is approved, your loved one’s poor credit or high DTI could land you with a higher interest rate than if you’d applied alone.

How can I buy a house with my fiance?

You can get a mortgage with your fiance, if you both meet the lender’s guidelines. If one of you has bad credit or otherwise doesn’t qualify, you can still buy a house, but will have to wait until after your mortgage closes to add your fiance to the loan or title.

Is it better to buy a house married or single?

If you buy a house before marriage, you will likely be assessed individually. If one of you has poor credit, it may be better to buy a house after marriage to increase the likelihood of obtaining a loan. Once you’re married, the individual with better credit has the option of applying for the loan on his or her own.