Why does my girlfriend want a break?

Why does my girlfriend want a break?

A lot of times when a woman is asking for a break, she is either asking for a break because perhaps she fell out of love with you, you’ve become too attached and haven’t disciplined yourself enough to have a life outside of your relationship, you made a mistake in the relationship, or maybe she just doesn’t really …

Should I text my girlfriend if we’re on a break?

Yes, you should text your girlfriend any time you want to communicate with her, especially if she is texting you first. If she were not texting you first, then I would say, “Leave her alone. Respect her wishes.” However, both of your actions make it clear that this break is not working for either one of you.

What should I do if my girlfriend wants to take a break?

If your girlfriend says that she wants to take a break, the best approach is to let her explain herself and then accept the break. Tell her that you love her and that you care about her, but if that’s what she wants, then you are happy to give her that time.