Why would someone want a quick divorce?

Why would someone want a quick divorce?

In today’s economy and times, many clients want to streamline what can be a lengthy and costly process. So how fast is fast? The request for a quickie divorce can be for very many different reasons. Reasons can include an upcoming bankruptcy, change in living situations or even making permanent a long-time separation.

Is a sexless relationship healthy?

Sexless relationships aren’t something for couples to aim for, Epstein says. Becoming sexually intimate is good for emotional bonding and great for your health and well-being. It burns calories, strengthens your immune system, has cardiovascular benefits, elevates your mood, and feels good.

What are the signs your marriage is over?

Before you get blindsided by your spouse walking away, it’s time to discover the signs your marriage is over.You’re living like a single person, not a married person. Imagining your spouse with someone else doesn’t hurt you. Your view of the future doesn’t include your spouse. The two of you don’t have sex anymore.Weitere Einträge…