Are you on top of this meaning?

Are you on top of this meaning?

in control of a situation and aware of changes: The stock market has been unpredictable, and you really have to stay on top of things. On top of is also used to mean in addition to, esp.

How do you say on top of that?

Synonyms for On top of that

  1. furthermore. adv.
  2. in addition.
  3. not only that.
  4. other than that.
  5. also. adv.
  6. additionally. adv.
  7. in addition to this.
  8. as well.

What’s another way to say stay on top of?

Synonyms for Stay on top of

  • be informed.
  • be on top.
  • be upstairs.
  • get on top.
  • keep abreast.
  • keep an eye out.
  • oversee.
  • stay upstairs.

What is the top of something called?

The definition of a crest is something that is located at the top of something or someone or a symbol of a family name. The definition of a zenith is the highest point or peak.

What’s a word for being on top of things?

What is another word for on top of things?

at home familiar
au courant au fait
up-to-date confident with
in control up to speed
conversant with competent at

When you get to the top of something we say you have?

Note: If you are beginning to deal with a task or situation successfully, you can say that you are getting on top of it.

What is another word for abreast?

In this page you can discover 43 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for abreast, like: by the side of, up-to-date, in line, informed, knowledgeable, beside, au courant, alongside, level, equal and side-by-side.

What are synonyms for also?

Also Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for also?

additionally as well
still along with
as well as further
besides furthermore
including more

How do you use also?

Also is usually used in front of a verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, you put also immediately in front of the verb, unless the verb is be. I also began to be interested in cricket. They also helped out.

Where do we use too?

Too is also a useful little word, but it’s not a preposition like to, and it doesn’t have as many meanings. You can use it instead of “besides,” “in addition,” “also,” or “as well.” But you can use it for other things, too, like when you want to indicate excessiveness.

What is as well as?

(Entry 1 of 2) : and in addition : and brave as well as loyal. as well as. preposition.

What is the proper response to I Love You?

Replying with “I love you too” is perfectly reasonable because it gets the point across and no one is likely to misunderstand that “too” is meant to reflect the sentiment back to the first speaker. If you are uncomfortable with the ambiguity of the meaning of “too” in this context, I suggest saying “And I love you.”

Can you say I love you without meaning it?

Because when you say, ‘I love you’ without even meaning it, your action would give away the lie. So, it is better to be honest rather than say things which you don’t mean just to please the other person. This is a very strong statement to make and say it only when you are sure about it.