Can evidence be added after discovery?

Can evidence be added after discovery?

Yes, evidence can be submitted after discovery. That’s to allow for evidence that would have been impossible to reveal (with reasonable diligence) during the original discovery period.

Is love an invention or a discovery?

Love is a bond that exists in several other highly evolved species besides ours, so it’s certainly not a human invention.

Is math invented or discover?

Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented.

What is the difference between invention and innovation and discovery?

Invention is promoted by discoveries in the natural sciences and more recently the biological sciences; whereas, innovation is promoted by discoveries in the industrial engineering, the social sciences and the business disciplines.

Is love a product of evolution?

Now, in a new study, a research team has found evidence that humans evolved to fall in love. Earlier research has attempted to find a genetic or neurological basis, but the new research presents the first evidence that love influences reproductive success, as measured by the number of children people have.

Do animals fall in love with humans?

A recent study by Professor Paul Zak of Claremont Graduate University looked into the hormone oxytocin as a bonding agent in relationships, and made an amazing discovery: animals are capable of falling in love in the same way humans do! The animals’ oxytocin levels were measured before and after playing together.

Who discovered the love?

Ancient Greeks identified four forms of love: kinship or familiarity (in Greek, storge), friendship and/or platonic desire (philia), sexual and/or romantic desire (eros), and self-emptying or divine love (agape).

What is the purpose of discovery in a case?

Discovery enables the parties to know before the trial begins what evidence may be presented. It’s designed to prevent “trial by ambush,” where one side doesn’t learn of the other side’s evidence or witnesses until the trial, when there’s no time to obtain answering evidence.

What happens at discovery phase of a trial?

Discovery is the pre-trial phase in a lawsuit in which each party investigates the facts of a case, through the rules of civil procedure, by obtaining evidence from the opposing party and others by means of discovery devices including requests for answers to interrogatories, requests for production of documents and …

What happens after examination of discovery?

After your Examination is concluded, however, you may discuss your evidence with your lawyer and your lawyer may be able to tell you what evidence was helpful and what was not and explain how your evidence and the evidence of the insurance rep might impact strength of your case.