Can you be denied naturalization?

Can you be denied naturalization?

Having your citizenship application denied can be scary. The N-400, Application for Naturalization is a complicated form, though, so denials aren’t as uncommon as one might hope. In fact, about 10% of all N-400 applications are denied.

What happens after Uscis naturalization interview?

After you pass your U.S. citizenship interview (also called U.S.citizenship test), USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) will schedule you to take the Oath of Allegiance at a citizenship ceremony (also called naturalization ceremony). This is the last step before becoming a U.S. citizen.

How long does it take to get naturalization interview after Biometrics?

Typically what happens when you file for naturalization is you get a biometrics appointment about 2 weeks after your case has been received, and then they do a background check. Eventually, you get set for an interview. Most interviews are taking about 5 or 6 months to get scheduled.

How long does it take for naturalization?

8 to 12 months

How long does it take to get passport after naturalization?

about four to six weeks

Why is my naturalization taking so long?

Once USCIS offices reopen, the most likely cause of a delay outside normal processing times would be that either: Your name still hasn’t been cleared by the FBI, which needs to finish running a security check before USCIS can grant you citizenship. USCIS is a big bureaucracy, and mistakes and lost files happen.

How can I speed up my naturalization process?

To request expedited processing of your naturalization application, you can either go through the USCIS Contact Center ( or write a letter to your local USCIS field office. Be ready to prove the reason you need expedited processing with documentation backing up your statements.

Can I travel outside the US after filing for naturalization?

In summary, travel outside the U.S. after filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is permitted. As always, permanent residents are subject to inspection and will be required to provide valid proof of permanent residence (typically a green card) upon reentry to the United States.

Can I travel abroad while my citizenship application is pending?

Travel is permissible during the time in which you are applying for U.S. naturalization. That’s because, as a green card holder, you are already a permanent resident, which allows you to travel abroad while your application is pending.