Did Bill Wilson have a sponsor?

Did Bill Wilson have a sponsor?

Edwin Throckmorton Thacher (29 April 1896 – 21 March 1966) (commonly known as Ebby Thacher or Ebby T.) was an old drinking friend and later the sponsor of Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson.

Did Dr Bob stay sober?

Drinking on the Train Once on the train, Dr. Dr. Bob stayed sober on Monday until after dinner. He then resumed his drinking.

What is the average age a person has his her first drink?

In the period 2013 to 2015, on average those aged 12 to 20 years first drank alcohol when they were 14.64 years old….Average age youths in the U.S. aged 12 to 20 years first drank alcohol from 1991 to 2015.

Average age in years
2006–2008 14.14
2005–2007 14.06
2004–2006 13.97
2003–2005 13.9

Who is Bill and Bob?

It is based on the story of William Wilson (Bill W.) and Dr. Robert Smith (Bob S., or “Dr. Bob”), the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous and their wives Lois Wilson and Anne Smith, creators of Al-Anon.

Where is Bob buried?

Akron, Ohio, United States

How did Bill Wilson meet Dr Bob?

Bob. business trip to Ohio, he found himself standing in the lobby of a hotel, craving a drink. Bill narrowed his choices to two: order a cocktail in the hotel bar or call another recovering alcoholic and ask for help in staying sober. …

How many countries have Alcoholics Anonymous?

180 nations

How many alcoholics are in the world?

Globally, 107 million people are estimated to have an alcohol use disorder. This breakdown can be viewed by gender for any country here; 70 percent globally (75 million) were male relative to 32 million females.

How many alcoholics are there in the United States?

One in eight American adults, or 12.7 percent of the U.S. population, now meets diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorder, according to the study.