Does expedient mean fast?

Does expedient mean fast?

Although expedient and expeditious come from the same Latin root word for “to make ready or to prompt,” they parted ways by the 1600s, when expedient became self-serving. Use expedient for “advantageous” and expeditious for “speedy,” like how fast you plan for an expedition to Antarctica, or across the street.

Is expeditiously a real word?

The adverb expeditiously can describe something you do quickly and efficiently, but the word has a formal sound to it that makes whatever you’re doing sound fancy. You’ll often hear the word used in formal contexts.

What is a better word for faster?

What is another word for faster?

accelerated augmented
enhanced fast-tracked
hastened increased
quicker hurried up
quick quickened up

What does expeditious manner mean?

adj characterized by or done with speed and efficiency; prompt; quick.

What is a nebulous person?

The definition of nebulous is someone or something that is vague or unclear. An example of nebulous is a plan that doesn’t describe the intended outcome.

How do you use expeditious?

Expeditious sentence example The more expeditious method is of course to lay down turf, which should be free from weeds, and is cut usually in strips of i ft. Still more expeditious is the use of a planimeter, such as Captain Prytz’s ” Hatchet Planimeter,” which yields fairly accurate results, or G.

What is another word for moving fast?

What is another word for fast-moving?

fast rapid
swift speedy
fleet nimble
flying hurtling
moving speeding

What is the meaning of to walk fast?

vb. 1 advance, amble, foot it, go, go by shanks’s pony (informal) go on foot, hike, hoof it (slang) march, move, pace, perambulate, promenade, saunter, step, stride, stroll, traipse (informal) tramp, travel on foot, tread, trek, trudge. 2 accompany, convoy, escort, take. n.

What does moving fast mean?

1 : moving or capable of moving rapidly usually with sustained speed a fast-moving vehicle for freight transport.

What can I say instead of walking?


  • stroll, saunter, amble, wend one’s way, trudge, plod, hike, tramp, trek, march, stride, troop, patrol, step out, wander, ramble, tread, prowl, footslog, promenade, roam, traipse.
  • stretch one’s legs, go for a walk, take the air.
  • advance, proceed, move, go, make one’s way.

What is a word for slowly walking?

other words for walk slowly amble. meander. mope. ramble. traipse.

How do you show walking in writing?

Reference For Writers

  1. Amble: walk easily and/or aimlessly.
  2. Bounce: walk energetically.
  3. Careen: pitch dangerously to one side while walking or running.
  4. Clump: walk heavily and/or clumsily.
  5. Falter: walk unsteadily.
  6. Flounder: walk with great difficulty.
  7. Foot it: (slang) depart or set off by walking.

How can you describe walking?

shuffle: walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting one’s feet off the ground. His legs were aching so much that he shuffled to bed. stump: walk heavily and stiffly. plod: walk with heavy steps or with difficulty.

What your walk says about you?

01/7What your walking style reveals about your personality These studies also say that the way you walk, including speed, tells a lot about your personality traits. “A faster pace is linked to higher levels of conscientiousness, and openness, and lower levels of neuroticism,” revealed the researchers.

What causes a person to waddle when they walk?

Waddling gait, also known as myopathic gait, is a way of walking. It’s caused by muscle weakness in the pelvic girdle, which is a bowl-shaped network of muscles and bones that connects your torso to your hips and legs.

What are the five types of walking?

First off, there are five types of walking: Intermittent, Strolling, Fitness, Power, and Race.

How do ninjas walk silently?

Be as silent as possible and keep using the same method of moving from one tiptoe to the next, shifting your weight back and forth and maintaining your balance as you do so. This was the most common ninja style of stealth walking. The goal was to move as slowly and silently as possible.

Are there still Ninjas?

Japan’s era of shoguns and samurai is long over, but the country does have one, or maybe two, surviving ninjas. Experts in the dark arts of espionage and silent assassination, ninjas passed skills from father to son – but today’s say they will be the last. Ninjas were also famed swordsmen.

What is a silent ninja?

Silent Ninja is an assassination challenge in Situs Inversus that requires the player to kill both targets while only wearing the ninja disguise. The challenge criteria are: Kill only the two targets. No bodies found (a target dying in an accident does not count as a found body)

Are Ninjas silent?

Quiet and mysterious, ninja warriors are known for their strength, skill and stealth. Turn your back for just a moment, and a ninja might catch you by surprise!