How can I live in two different states?

How can I live in two different states?

The best solution is usually to rent or establish two different homes based in both cities, and rent out the empty unit (or on Airbnb) when you’re not there. The best solution is usually to rent or establish two different homes based in both cities, and rent out the empty unit (or on Airbnb) when you’re not there.

Can I buy a primary residence in another state?

Qualifying for a mortgage to buy a home in another state is as simple as finding a lender licensed in that state. For a primary residence, you do not need to move to the new state before you apply for the mortgage as long as you plan to move into the property when your loan closes.

Does living with parents affect mortgage application?

Whether you choose to maintain this for a period of, say, three to six months or move in with parents shouldn’t make any material difference to the lending decision. Mortgage lenders must assess whether you can afford a mortgage in accordance with regulations set out by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Can you get a mortgage with mental health?

Being ill or disabled shouldn’t stop you from getting a mortgage, even if you rely on benefits for all or part of your income.

Can you tell if someone has a mortgage?

The mortgage records you need to access will be filed with the county the property resides in. You can either visit that county’s public records or clerk’s office in person, or check their website to see if a search can be conducted online.

How do I know if my mortgage is paid off?

You can find information on property records by contacting your local Secretary of State or county recorder of deeds. After you pay off your mortgage, your lender should also return the original note to you. You can also contact the company that paid off your loan to find out if the lien was released.

Do you get money back if your house is repossessed?

After a repossession order, you have no house, but you may still have the debt. This depends on how much of your mortgage is unpaid. If the mortgage amount due is low, the bank or lender will return you your money after paying all the fees and recovering its debt once the sale is made.

What happens if the bank forecloses on your house?

Foreclosure actions can wipe out some of the property owner’s debt, such as the original mortgage, home equity loans and second mortgages. If the proceeds of the foreclosure don’t cover all the costs of your second mortgage or other home equity loans, you are still obligated to pay those.