How do you recruit Lords in Warband?

How do you recruit Lords in Warband?

Basically, to recruit Lords, you have to first get them alone. Talk to them and pick the option of speaking to them in private. Ask them what they feel about their liege/king.

How do you become king in Mount and Blade Warband?

1) Continue to take castles and towns and always demand them to be awarded to you. Once of these times the king will refuse. At that point, you will be given a choice to revolt. Do that and all your towns/castles/villages become your own faction and you – the king.

What is a steppe child?

What exactly is a Steppe Child? You were a child that grew up in the steppes. Steppes is a geographical type of location just like mountains and plains are.

Can you become a king in Bannerlord?

Before you can become a king in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, you first need to progress a bit through the title’s main quest. For starters, you’ll need to find the 10 nobles required for Neretzes’ Folly quest. That’s all you need to do in order to become a king in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.

Can you beat Mount and Blade?

Mount & Blade is a “sandbox” game, which means that it’s more of a simulation than a typical game. There is no end goal, no ultimate win condition.

Can you marry Lady Isolla?

It is possible to marry female claimants (either Lady Isolla of Suno or Arwa the Pearled One).

How do you become queen of Calradia?

In order to become king/queen, you must found your own kingdom, by capturing a fief while unaligned, rebelling as a Vassal when a fief is denied to you, or getting your husband/wife to help you start one.

How much renown Do you need to get married?

Meeting Your Partner. The easiest way to meet your partner is during feasts, which can be entered freely if you’re of noble birth. If, however, you come from a common background, you’ll have to prove yourself either by winning the accompanying tournament or by having at least 200 renown.

How do I marry in Bannerlord?

How to marry in Bannerlord

  1. Find a noble of the opposite gender (in the base game).
  2. Inform them that you wish to marry them.
  3. Have a successful conversation with them.
  4. Wait a few in-game days before having a second successful conversation.
  5. Propose marriage.
  6. Get your partner’s liege’s approval by giving them gifts.

Can you divorce your wife in Mount and Blade Warband?

Wait wait wait, you CAN divorce, at least in Warband!! While on the map, type ‘ctrl + ~’. Type in ‘cheatmenu’, then camp. and choose ‘Divorce Player Spouse.

Can you marry companions in Warband?

Yes you can, but you have to be female yourself. And then make them a vassal, then they’re just like any other lord you have the potential to marry. Even the female companions oddly enough, since they get treated as if they’re male themselves.

Can you marry Ymira?

You can only marry her if you are a woman, in Native, and it is a bug. Homosexuality is not a bug or disease.

Can you have a baby in Mount and Blade Warband?

Alright, no, you can’t.

Can you marry vassals in Bannerlord?

Yup, it’s true: In the world of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, every leader has absolute authority over who in their clan gets to marry whom, so you need their approval to move forward. That’s good for you. Later, you can use this power to get your children spouses and grow your clan.

How do you cheat in Bannerlord?

Bannerlord cheats that work

  1. Ctrl + H – heals your character.
  2. Ctrl + LMB – teleports you to the clicked location on the map.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + H – heals your horse.
  4. Ctrl + F3 – damages your character.
  5. Ctrl + Alt + F4 – knock all enemies unconcious.
  6. Ctrl + F6 – knocks out one of your troops.

Who can I marry in Bannerlord?

How do I get married?

  • The first rule states that the players can only marry unmarried characters from the opposite sex. There is no exception here.
  • Rule 2 is bad news for any polygamy fans: you can only marry one person.
  • You cannot marry kings and clan leaders.

Who is the best wife in Bannerlord?

[Top 10] Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Best Wife – How To Choose

  • Phaea.
  • Yana.
  • Ira.
  • Liena.
  • Silvind. Silvind is a jack-of-all-trades from the Kingdom of Vlandia.
  • Sora. Sora is a strongly moral noblewoman of the Northern Empire.
  • Siga. Siga is your ideal choice for a warrior woman.
  • Arwa. Arwa has it all; she’s beautiful, skilled in all forms of combat and she’s got solid Stewardship skills.

Is Mount and Blade worth it?

Absolutely. The melding of real-time strategy with third-person combat is a great mix, allowing tactically inept people like me to still have fun with the game. The combat itself is also pretty unique and engaging.

How do you get rich in Bannerlord?

This page of the guide lists several ways to make money and answers the question how to make money in Bannerlord.

  1. Hunting for bandits.
  2. Selling slaves.
  3. Looting villages.
  4. Trade.
  5. Completing missions.
  6. Arena fights and participating in tournaments.
  7. Buying a Workshop.
  8. Creating a caravan.

How do you heal in Bannerlord?

How to restore health? The only way to regenerate health points in M&B Bannerlord is… letting time pass. There are no magic, consumable health items in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord that would let you replenish health – an injured character needs time to fully recover. But you can speed the process up.

Do caravans make money Bannerlord?

Caravans in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord are a great way to earn gold. The caravan you bought will start traveling around the cities and sell goods. At first you have to invest a lot in the caravan, but after a while it will start to generate high passive income.

How do I start Bannerlord?

  1. Best starting culture. You can’t change the culture you have selected during the character creation process.
  2. Practice combat in the tutorial.
  3. Save frequently.
  4. Use a shield.
  5. Recruit soldiers.
  6. Remember about food.
  7. Complete missions.
  8. Get better weapons.

How do I stop being wanted by Bannerlord?

The quickest way to get rid of your wanted criminal status is by going to the place where you’re wanted and talk to the guards. Choose to discuss the terms of your surrender. Here you’ll get to pick the payment option – either the required sum of denars, or a pound of flesh, which will set your health points to one.

Does Bannerlord have first person?

I play most every game in first person including Warband. 1h with shields in first person is a whole different ball game with a shield. You have to listen as well as look because when you block with the shield you can’t see a damn thing.

What difficulty is Bannerlord?

Try not to feel too bad though – there are only three main difficulty settings in Bannerlord and of them, very easy is technically ‘true easy’, while ‘easy’ is the equivalent of ‘normal’ and ‘realistic’ is reserved pretty much for nihilists who love an extremely steep challenge.