How do you use take in a sentence?

How do you use take in a sentence?

[T] I usually take a bath after dinner. [T] She couldn’t take her eyes off him. [T] She expected him to take the bribe. [T] She had to take care of her sister.

Has been taken into consideration meaning?

: to think about (something) before one makes a decision or forms an opinion We will take your experience into consideration when we decide who will get the job. Results of the study should be taken into consideration before the medication is prescribed to patients.

What does consideration mean?

1 : continuous and careful thought After long consideration he agreed to their requests. 2a : a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan economic considerations forced her to leave college.

How do you use considering in a sentence?

He does very well, considering how old he is. in spoken English, as a sentence adverb at the end of a sentence (making a comment on the whole sentence or clause): He does very well, considering. They’ve made remarkable progress, considering they only started last week.

What does considering the circumstances mean?

2 Informal all in all; taking into account the circumstances. it’s not bad considering.

What does due to unforeseen circumstances mean?

used in official statements for explaining that something unexpected has happened that will prevent an event or situation from continuing normally. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to close the exhibition for the next two days. Synonyms and related words.

How do you say due to unforeseen circumstances?

due to unforeseen circumstances synonym, due to unforeseen circumstances definition | Thesaurus

  1. abrupt, accidental, out of the blue, startling, sudden, surprise, surprising, unanticipated, unexpected, unlooked-for, unpredicted.
  2. anticipated, envisaged, expected, foreseen, intended, predicted.

How do you deal with unforeseen circumstances?

Following are four ways to survive unexpected stress, and maybe even come out ahead:

  1. Pause before you act. There is a huge difference between a reaction and a response.
  2. Don’t assume that the things you don’t want are bad.
  3. Plan for everything to turn out well.
  4. Trust in your ability to be OK.

What does unforeseen mean?

: not anticipated or expected : not foreseen : unexpected an unforeseen delay unforeseen consequences.

What is unforeseen event?

Unforeseen Event means an event that we cannot predict or control (such as war, riot, act of terrorism, natural disaster, fire, explosion, flood, storm or strike or a machine, electronic device or hardware failing to work).

How do you spell unforeseen correctly?

Correct spelling for the English word “unforeseen” is [ʌnfɔːsˈiːn], [ʌnfɔːsˈiːn], [ʌ_n_f_ɔː_s_ˈiː_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you use unforeseen in a sentence?

1) This was a sudden and unforeseen blow. 2) For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car. 3) Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent. 4) The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.

Is it unforseen or unforeseen?

As adjectives the difference between unforeseen and unforseen. is that unforeseen is not foreseen while unforseen is .

What is the difference between foreseeable and unforeseeable?

As adjectives the difference between unforeseeable and foreseeable. is that unforeseeable is incapable of being foreseen or anticipated while foreseeable is able to be foreseen or anticipated.

What does it mean when something happens by default?

phrase. If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened. [formal] I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.

What does default mean English?

1 : failure to do something required by duty or law : neglect. 2 archaic : fault. 3 economics : a failure to pay financial debts was in default on her loan mortgage defaults. 4a law : failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding The defendant is in default.

What is a default position?

The term “default position” refers to a belief (or lack of belief) that is preferable prior to debate or before any evidence is considered. Many people claim that some belief (or lack thereof) are default positions, so everyone who disagrees with those positions has the burden of proof.