How does a deed work?

How does a deed work?

A property deed is a legal document that transfers the ownership of real estate from a seller to a buyer. For a deed to be legal it must state the name of the buyer and the seller, describe the property that is being transferred, and include the signature of the party that is transferring the property.

What is another name for a deed?

What is another word for deed?

exploit feat
voyage try
transaction contract
purpose responsibility
obligation chore

What is opposite of deed?

A misdeed is a type of bad behavior, especially behavior that’s immoral. If you get caught stealing someone’s lunch, you’ll be punished for your misdeed. A deed is an action, and a misdeed is a specific type of action. It’s the opposite of a good deed.

What are antonyms for deed?

Antonyms of DEED idleness, quiet, inactivity, disagreement, inaction, repose, passion, immobility, lie, hold, suffering, rest, cessation, failure, inertia, stoppage, suspension, endurance, quiescence, deliberation.

What word can replace excellent?

other words for excellent

  • admirable.
  • exceptional.
  • exemplary.
  • good.
  • great.
  • skillful.
  • sterling.
  • superlative.

What does existence mean?

1a : the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness and as contrasted with nonexistence the existence of other worlds. b : the manner of being that is common to every mode of being. c : being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect.

What word is better than premium?

Definition 10: of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind; superior: a wine made of premium grapes. Deluxe, in this context, means “High or highest in quality”, according to the dictionary, though it is held in more esteem than premium.

What is a high end?

The definition of high-end is something considered an expensive or extreme quality item. An example of high-end is designer clothes and top-of-the-line electronic equipment. adjective.

What is another word for high end?

high-quality, high-level, sophisticated, high-ranking, high-value, high-priced, cutting-edge, high-caliber, senior, advanced, high-profile, high-tech, high-, expensive, deluxe, high-technology, state-of-the-art, top-level, prestigious, fancy, higher-level, luxury, senior-level.

Is high-end one word?

adjective Informal. being the most expensive and technically sophisticated: high-end stereo equipment.

How do you describe luxury?

1 : very rich, pleasant, and comfortable surroundings They live in luxury. 2 : something desirable but expensive or hard to get Fresh strawberries are a luxury in winter. 3 : something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary That new car is a luxury I can’t afford.

What is the new word of expensive?

Expensive Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for expensive?

costly pricey
exorbitant pricy
extortionate overpriced
valuable steep
spendy excessive

How do you say expensive in a nice way?

So below are the phrases to talk about things that are high priced.

  1. That’s a bit steep – This phrase suggests that something is little more expensive.
  2. That’s a bit pricey –
  3. Cost an arm and leg –
  4. To pay through the nose –
  5. Exorbitant –
  6. Daylight robbery –
  7. Break the bank –
  8. Pay top dollar-

What are expensive words?


  • costly.
  • extravagant.
  • fancy.
  • high.
  • lavish.
  • valuable.
  • dear.
  • excessive.

How do you politely say something is too expensive?

Just be honest, maybe something like, “I am afraid that item is above the price range, that I have budgeted for this purchase.” “I’m sorry, but that’s a little too steep for me.

What are expensive things called?

exorbitant. adjective. an exorbitant price or amount of money is much more than is reasonable.

What do you call a person who loves brands?

You might call such a person a aficionado. You might describe this girl as a “brand aficionado”.

What means lavish?

1 : expending or bestowing profusely : prodigal lavish donors lavish in giving praise to her employees. 2a : expended or produced in abundance the lavish attentions of his mother— George Meredith. b : marked by profusion or excess a lavish feast a lavish home.