How many micropolitan areas are in the US?

How many micropolitan areas are in the US?

543 micropolitan statistical areas

What is your MSA code?

MSA code is a 4-digit numeric code assigned to each MSA. CMSA (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area). An area that meets the requirements to qualify as an MSA, and also has a population of one million people or more.

Who lives in rural areas?

About 46 million Americans live in the nation’s rural counties, 175 million in its suburbs and small metros and about 98 million in its urban core counties. As a group, the population in rural counties grew 3% since 2000, less than their 8% growth in the 1990s.

What race is the majority in the US?

As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population. African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.

How much of the US is urban?


What state has the lowest population per square mile?


How many cities in the US are over 50000?

Population size Number of incorporated places
500,000 to 999,999 27
250,000 to 499,999 52
100,000 to 249,999 225
50,000 to 99,999 466

What are the disadvantages of living in rural societies?

Rural areas can be beautiful and relaxing, but they also must confront important challenges. These problems include a lack of public transportation, human services, and medical professionals and facilities.

What are the disadvantages of living in a suburban area?

Suburban Living The main disadvantage to life in the suburbs is that it takes longer to reach most destinations. Living in the suburbs and living in the city often makes for a long commute, especially since public transport is often harder to access.

What are the pros and cons of living in the countryside?

Pros and Cons of Country Living

  • Whether they walk, catch the bus or get taken in by car, those with children of school-age may be faced with longer journeys to school.
  • Job opportunities could be limited; this can be an issue unless you already have a job in tow.
  • Wi-Fi and television connectivity could be limited.
  • Shopping can become inconvenient.

Why living in the city is bad?

Beyond stress Crowded city life can also make us more prone to contracting viruses, especially during cold and flu season. Studies have also found that people living in urban areas often eat too much processed and fast food, which puts them at greater risk for weight gain, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Is living in city better than countryside?

In the city there are more jobs than in the countryside. In the cities are also more shops. For me, countryside is better than the city because there is calm and clean air. The access for food in the city is more easier , but in the countryside the food is more natural and healthy.

What are some of the advantages of living in a city?

Good Things About Living In a Big City

  • Better Job Opportunities.
  • Mass Transportation System.
  • Meeting Several New People.
  • Vast Entertainment Options.
  • Top-of-the-line Shopping and Restaurants.
  • Best Medical Service Possible.