Is it a good idea to live with your friends?

Is it a good idea to live with your friends?

Whether you’re moving in with friends to save money, fend off loneliness, or “ensure fun at home”, it can be an amazing and beneficial experience – as long as you and your buddy both show regard for each other’s feelings, desires, and personal space. The only way to have a friend is to be one, you know.

How do you live with your best friend?

So before the ink is dry on that lease, check out these tips for living with your BFF and staying BFFs.

  1. Talk about food.
  2. Set expectations about significant others.
  3. Organize those bills, bills, bills.
  4. Discuss your introvert/extrovert preferences.
  5. Who is cleaning this joint?
  6. Consider a separate TV room.

Do college roommates become friends?

Everyone should be Friends in college. However, your room mate freshman year may not become a good friend of yours. I was friendly with both of my freshman room mates at MIT but was not great friends with them at MIT.

Is it bad to room with a friend in college?

Bottom line is it’s usually best to room with a stranger, but it can be okay if you and your friend are honest and compromise on important things like sleep, making a cleaning routine etc. or else one of you will end up getting to annoyed at some point. I roomed with a friend my freshman year at college.

Can a friend stay in my dorm?

Yes people can stay overnight in dorms. You should be respectful of your roommate but honestly people are pretty chill, and never really mind if you have guests.

Do you have to be best friends with your roommate?

You do not have to be best friends with your roommate, but you do have to keep it classy and cordial with them. College is a great time to meet new people, live in interesting situations, and learn more about compromise.

Can you request to dorm with a friend?

Most colleges have a housing form that all freshmen-to-be who plan to live on campus must complete. Often this form will allow you to include the name of an intended roommate. In such cases, if you put your best friend’s name on this form and then your friend puts yours, you will be able to room together.

Are guys allowed in girl dorms?

Do most colleges not permit the opposite gender to be on the floor whatsoever? Typically you can visit the opposite gender’s room, yeah, there’s no issue with that. Many people will have friends of the opposite gender, will have study groups including them, etc.

Can you share a dorm with the opposite gender?

Living in co-ed dorms. Co-ed dorms (meaning the buildings, not the individual rooms) may still separate genders, often by floors or “wings.” But many colleges just mix things up, with female and male roommates living next door or across the hall from each other.

Can a boy have a girl roommate in college?

Colleges Experiment with Gender-Blind Dorms “Co-ed housing,” where male and female students share the same floor, has long been part of the college dorm experience. But now some schools are letting men and women live together in the same dorm room.