Is it illegal to tell coworkers your salary?

Is it illegal to tell coworkers your salary?

Your right to discuss your salary information with your coworkers is protected by the federal government. According to The New York Times, the National Labor Relations Act states that employers can’t ban the discussion of salary and working conditions among employees. Only your coworkers can tell you their salaries.

Should I get paid the same as my colleague?

Key facts. People doing the same job or work of equal value should get the same or equal pay; but in many cases they don’t, even though though the law says they should. You are entitled to the same pay as anyone doing the same or broadly similar job, or a job of equal value, regardless of gender.

Is it illegal to pay someone more for the same job?

California law now prohibits an employer from paying its employees less than employees of the opposite sex, or of another race, or of another ethnicity for substantially similar work. Effective January 1, 2018, the Equal Pay Act covers public employers.

Can you be fired for sharing your salary?

For the most part: no, employers may not prohibit employees from discussing compensation according to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and an April 2014 Executive Order from President Obama.

How do I know if I’m being paid fairly?

You’re being paid fairly if you know why you are paid what you are paid. If your company’s pay structure is clearly communicated and well-designed, you’ll probably feel good about your compensation. You’re being paid fairly if your contributions at work translate to increased pay at least once a year.

What is a fair salary?

What Is Fair Compensation? Fair compensation does not mean everyone at the company is paid the same amount. Rather, fair compensation is paying employees an appropriate amount according to their performance, experience, and job requirements.

What do you do when you find out you’re being underpaid?

What to Do if You Think You’re Underpaid

  1. Be sure to compare your salary to those of other employees at both your company and other companies.
  2. Some of the most underpaid jobs include those that serve children, the elderly and the sick.
  3. When negotiating a pay raise, present the strongest case possible, backed by evidence.

What is the most underpaid job?

Notoriously Underpaid Jobs

  • Army Private First Class — $
  • Fast Food Cooks — $20,570/$9.89 per Hour.
  • Dishwashers — $21,260/$10.22 per Hour.
  • Gaming Dealers — $21,990/$10.57 per Hour.
  • Waiters and Waitresses — $24,410/$11.73 per Hour.
  • Nursing Assistants — $27,650/$13.29 per Hour.
  • Bank Tellers — $28,060/$13.49 per Hour.

How do I ask for a raise when I feel underpaid and overworked?

So when it comes to learning how to ask for a raise when you are underpaid, here are seven steps:

  1. Know Your Accomplishments. Focus on why you deserve it – not why you need it.
  2. Do Salary Research.
  3. Focus on the Future.
  4. Time Your Pitch Right.
  5. Keep it Short and Sweet.
  6. Practice Makes Perfect.

How do you tell your boss your raise wasn’t enough?

Make your case When stating your case, highlight what you’ve done on the job to merit a larger paycheck. Discuss your accomplishments as well as any cost saving measures you’ve been involved with, and if you can demonstrate your value to the team moving forward, even better.

How can I communicate with no pay increase?

Talking points to use:

  1. Show appreciation for this employee’s work and be specific about their individual contributions.
  2. Let them know how their pay is determined.
  3. Remind them of the other value drivers you bring to the table.
  4. Show them the way forward.
  5. Give them some goals they can work on in the immediate future.

Is a 10 percent raise good?

A raise as high as 10 percent is generally reserved for employees whose salary is not competitive with the market. A company may also give an employee a merit increase as part of a promotional increase.

Is a 7% raise good?

Normal raise: 2-3% Good raise: 4-7% Big raise: 8%+