Is the power of a court to hear and decide a case?

Is the power of a court to hear and decide a case?

Jurisdiction is the power to exercise authority over persons and things within a territory. In a legal sense, it gives a court the power to hear and decide a case or lawsuit. Jurisdiction can also relate to a geographical area in which political authority is recognized.

What is the right of jurisdiction?

Jurisdiction refers to the power of a state to affect persons, property, and circumstances within its territory. The passive personality principle allows states, in limited cases, to claim jurisdiction to try a foreign national for offenses committed abroad that affect its own citizens.

What is passive personality jurisdiction?

In international law: Jurisdiction. The passive personality principle allows states, in limited cases, to claim jurisdiction to try a foreign national for offenses committed abroad that affect its own citizens.

What does passive aggressive personality mean?

Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There’s a disconnect between what a passive-aggressive person says and what he or she does.

What is the principle of universality?

In international law: Jurisdiction. Finally, the universality principle allows for the assertion of jurisdiction in cases where the alleged crime may be prosecuted by all states (e.g., war crimes, crimes against the peace, crimes against humanity, slavery, and piracy).

What is an active personality?

An Active Personality is one who has a clear idea of how they want the world to be and does not easily tolerate deviations from this ideal. When deviations occur, the active personality aggressively acts to remedy the situation. A Passive Personality is one who is flexible in their concept of how the world should be.

What is active and passive person?

Active people make their own opinions on thingsā€¦ passive people let others make up their minds for them. Active people analyze all their options and choices before making a decisionā€¦ passive people go with whatever is easiest.