What 3 things did Lenin promise?

What 3 things did Lenin promise?

The Second Revolution: ‘Peace, bread and land’ Vladimir Lenin knew how unhappy the people of Russia were. He promised them lots of things that they wanted – his slogan was peace, bread and land. This promise made him very popular. Lenin was the leader of a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks.

What was Lenin’s slogan?

Peace, Land, Bread

What’s another word for decree?

Decree Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for decree?

order command
mandate proclamation
regulation dictum
injunction ordinance
precept ruling

What is the antonym of Decree?

Antonyms of DECREE delay, hesitate, suggestion, answer, lawlessness, hinder, hide, conceal, disorganization, let go, plea, recommendation, petition, entreaty, proposal, urging, appeal.

What part of speech is decree?


part of speech: noun
related words: act, behest, declaration, law, verdict, word
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: decrees, decreeing, decreed

What word is like frustrate?

Synonyms of ‘frustration’

  • annoyance. To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.
  • disappointment. There was resentment among the people at the disappointment of their hopes.
  • resentment. Rigid policing can only feed resentment and undermine confidence.
  • irritation.
  • grievance.
  • dissatisfaction.
  • exasperation.
  • vexation.

What’s another word for annoying?

In this page you can discover 72 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for annoying, like: irritating, pesky, pestering, troublesome, irksome, provoking, vexing, pestiferous, pesty, bothersome and carking.

What does frustrate mean?

English Language Learners Definition of frustrate : to cause (someone) to feel angry, discouraged, or upset because of not being able to do something. : to prevent (efforts, plans, etc.)

What means circumvent?

transitive verb. 1 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem the setup circumvented the red tape— Lynne McTaggart circumvent a problem.

How do you use circumvent?

Circumvent in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Often, pilots will circumvent the rain by flying above the clouds.
  2. The burglar tried to find a way to circumvent the alarm system.
  3. Because the man wanted to circumvent the immigration laws, he snuck into the country inside of a shipping truck.

What is circumvention in banking?

In recent years, the financial industry has seen a significant increase in the number and size of penalties for sanctions violations. Many larger financial institutions have been subjected to these penalties for sanctions circumvention – i.e., disguising the involvement of a sanctioned customer in a transaction.

How do you use the word circumvent in a sentence?

  1. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
  2. We went north in order to circumvent the mountains.
  3. Military planners tried to circumvent the treaty.
  4. The king tried to circumvent his enemies.
  5. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.

What is circumventing Systems Policy Facebook?

Rejected Facebook Ads: Circumventing Systems This means that Facebook ads must not use tactics intended to circumvent the Facebook ad review process. If you use Unicode characters or symbols in ad text with the intent to mislead users.

What cycle means?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed a 4-year cycle of growth and development. 2a : a course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point …

Why is it called cycle?

A cycle is a series of events that happen repeatedly in the same order. Or, it is a slang term for a bicycle. We get cycle from Latin cyclus and Greek kuklos, both meaning “circle.” So you can see where bi- (two) and tri- (three) + cycle got their names.

What are examples of life cycles?


Complete Metamorphosis (egg/larva/pupa/adult) Butterfly
Metamorphosis (egg/tadpole/froglet/adult) Frog
Arthropod Life Cycle (egg/spiderling/adult) Spider
Bird Life Cycle (egg/chick/adult) Penguin
Fish Life Cycle (birth/pup/adult) Great White Shark