What are five interesting facts about Pennsylvania?

What are five interesting facts about Pennsylvania?

  • Pennsylvania is the first state of the fifty United States to list their web site URL on a license plate.
  • In 1909 the first baseball stadium was built in Pittsburgh.
  • Hershey is considered the Chocolate Capital of the United States.
  • In 1913 the first automobile service station opened in Pittsburgh.

What was unique about Pennsylvania?

One of the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a haven for his fellow Quakers. Pennsylvania’s capital, Philadelphia, was the site of the first and second Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775, the latter of which produced the Declaration of Independence, sparking the American Revolution.

What are some traditions in Pennsylvania?

Here Are 10 Traditions You’ll Totally Get If You’re From…

  • We ring in the New Year by dropping wrenches, mushrooms, and Hershey’s kisses and…
  • Eat a traditional New Year’s Day meal.
  • No one goes to school on the first day of hunting season.
  • We shop at mud sales and…
  • 100 mile yard sales.
  • Cookie table are all the rage at weddings in Southwestern PA and…

How is Pennsylvania different from other states?

This is a commonwealth, not a state. Pennsylvania is technically not a state, though there’s no real difference between how states and commonwealths function in the United States. There are 59 cities in Pennsylvania. Boroughs are typically smaller than cities but also have local government structures.

Who abolished slavery in Pennsylvania?

Fifth Pennsylvania General Assembly

How Quakers get their name?

Where the names come from. One story says that the founder, George Fox, once told a magistrate to tremble (quake) at the name of God and the name ‘Quakers’ stuck. Other people suggest that the name derives from the physical shaking that sometimes went with Quaker religious experiences.

How many slaves did Pennsylvania have?

Between 1790 and 1800, the number of slaves dropped from 3,737 to 1,706 and by 1810 to 795. In 1840, there still were 64 slaves in the state, but by 1850 there were none. The act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery in Pennsylvania had achieved its sponsors’ objectives – very gradually.

Are indentured servants and slaves the same?

Servants typically worked four to seven years in exchange for passage, room, board, lodging and freedom dues. While the life of an indentured servant was harsh and restrictive, it wasn’t slavery. There were laws that protected some of their rights.

What was the first country to free slaves?

Haiti (then Saint-Domingue) formally declared independence from France in 1804 and became the first sovereign nation in the Western Hemisphere to unconditionally abolish slavery in the modern era.