What can I study to work from home?

What can I study to work from home?

10 Best Degrees to Work from Home

  • Information Technology. Technological innovations have enabled the rapid growth of home-based jobs, and many of these jobs are in the IT field.
  • Website Design and Development.
  • Business.
  • English or Journalism.
  • Hospitality.
  • Early Childhood Education.
  • Accounting.
  • Foreign Languages.

What is a Returnship?

Kind of like an internship—but without ending up back at the bottom of the totem pole. It’s called a returnship, and it’s essentially an internship that helps adults who have taken time away from their careers and are interested in re-entering the workforce.

Is it hard to get a job after being a stay-at-home mom?

In fact, according to a recent study in Harvard Business Review, stay-at-home moms are half as likely to land a job interview in comparison to moms who get laid off. To put simply: you need to have a better job strategy than “spraying and praying” with your resume.

How do I change my resume after being a stay-at-home mom?

  1. What to include in a stay-at-home parent cover letter. The cover letter is the perfect place to explain your career pause, said Chris Chancey, a professional recruiter and owner of Amplio Recruiting.
  2. Decide between functional or chronological style.
  3. Include a brief summary.
  4. Add your transferrable skills.

How can I get back into my career?

6 tips for getting hired after a career break

  1. Assess your situation. Many people make the mistake of jumping straight back into the first job they can find.
  2. Update your CV with your career break.
  3. Network.
  4. Be prepared for your interview.
  5. Look for career returner programs.
  6. Be confident.
  7. Everyone has their own career path.

How do you go back to work after raising a family?

Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms and Dads Returning to Work

  1. – Make the Time to Find Work.
  2. – Get in the Right Frame of Mind.
  3. – Get Some Advice.
  4. – Determine What You Really Want to Do.
  5. – Make a Job Search Plan.
  6. – Update Your Social Profiles.
  7. – Own It.
  8. – Dealing With Tough Topics.

How soon do mothers go back to work?

Only 14% of US civilian workers in 2016 had access to paid family leave in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center. One in four US mothers return to work 10 days after giving birth. And just over one-third of American mothers don’t return to work (pdf) after having a baby.

How long should you stay home with a newborn?

Healthy, full-term babies (at least 37 weeks’ gestation) can usually go home from the hospital sometime between 24 and 48 hours after birth. Some late preterm babies (born between 34 and 36 weeks’ gestation) may be healthy enough to go home after a short stay (at least 48 hours) as well.