What does C rations stand for?

What does C rations stand for?

prepared and canned wet combat ration

Did Vietnam soldiers get paid?

Vietnam War New soldiers pocketing $78 would have a salary that equates to 642.71 now, while those with over four months of service who pocketed $83.20 were receiving the equivalent of $685.56 in today’s dollars.

What is the deadliest snake in Africa?

puff adder

Can you outrun a black mamba?

The fastest snake happens to be the black mamba. The black mamba can travel up to 12 mph in short bursts, which is faster than humans. Though speeds of this snake have sometimes been exaggerated in myths and legends, the average person could not outrun this snake once it has locked you in its sight.

Can a black mamba kill an elephant?

Most venomous snakes in Africa and Asia, including cobras, mambas and vipers amongst others, are armed with a venom so potent it can kill a fully-grown elephant or any large mammal like lions, tigers and occasionally humans.

Can you suck out snake venom?

Sucking out venom, either by mouth or with a pump, does not work and may harm the affected area directly. Suction started after three minutes removes a clinically insignificant quantity—less than one-thousandth of the venom injected—as shown in a human study.

Will Snake die if bites itself?

No – snakes cannot kill themselves with their own venom. They can however die from the physical injuries of the bite itself. Some snakes are even immune to the venom of other venomous species, like the king cobra.

What to do if a snake chases you?

Most people react in one of three ways when encountering a snake:

  1. Freeze with terror.
  2. It can’t see us if we don’t move, right?
  3. Run for the hills.
  4. Pack your bags and move.
  5. Stay Calm.
  6. Move away from the snake.
  7. Know the difference between a venomous snake and a non-venomous snake.

Can snakes bite through jeans?

Canvas or heavy denim is pretty good, the main thing is that you don’t want it close to the skin—make the snake bite through the fabric and an inch or two of “dead air” before its fangs hit the skin. Most snakes are ambush-stalkers, lying in wait for prey to pass by rather than actively seeking it.

Do snakes bite above the knee?

Without hesitation, I answer “Yes – yes, they do”. Most snakes can strike as far as 1/3 to 1/2 of the length of their body, which generally lands most snake bites between the ankle and the knee or on the foot. Likely, the second most common snake bite strike zone would be the leg, between the knee and thigh.

How do you tell if a snake is a copperhead?

The copperhead snake head is indeed a coppery, reddish-brown color with some dots on the top. The snake’s triangle-shaped head is large in proportion to its narrower neck. Copperheads are bulky snakes and reach up to about 3 feet in length in maturity. Their eyes have slit-like pupils similar to cat’s eyes.

What do you do if bitten by a poisonous snake?

What to do immediately after a snakebite

  1. Keep still and calm to slow the spread of the venom.
  2. If swelling occurs, remove any jewelry or watches that could cut into the skin.
  3. Gently bandage or cover the bite with a clean, dry cloth.
  4. Asked to be carried, if possible, because any exertion may increase venom absorption.