What does gratifying mean?

What does gratifying mean?

giving pleasure or satisfaction

What does eddied mean?

A drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history. intr.v. ed·died, ed·dy·ing, ed·dies. To move in or as if in an eddy or eddies: “The conversation among the new elite eddied around me” (Molly Peacock). See Synonyms at turn.

Are eddies dangerous?

Eddies are areas where water flows back upstream against the current. Eddies in white water are far from safe; often they’ll send you at speed into a strong current.

What does eddy current mean?

Eddy currents (also called Foucault’s currents) are loops of electrical current induced within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor according to Faraday’s law of induction. Eddy currents flow in closed loops within conductors, in planes perpendicular to the magnetic field.

What is the meaning of frenzied?

: feeling or showing great or abnormal excitement or emotional disturbance frenzied dancing.

What does marauding mean?

gang of thieves

What is the best definition of frenzied?

adjective. wildly excited or enthusiastic: frenzied applause. violently agitated; frantic; wild: a frenzied mob.

Which word is most dissimilar to frenzied?

other words for frenzied

  • agitated.
  • delirious.
  • feverish.
  • frantic.
  • frenetic.
  • furious.
  • hysterical.
  • rabid.

What is the opposite of frenzied?

frenzied. Antonyms: calm, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, imperturbable, peaceful, placid, quiet, sedate, self-possessed, serene, smooth, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled.

What is the opposite of frenzy?

frenzy. Antonyms: calm, composure, collectedness, coolness, sanity, sobriety, equanimity. Synonyms: fanaticism, madness, raving, fury, fire.

What is another word for frenzy?

SYNONYMS FOR frenzy 2 madness, insanity, lunacy, aberration; rage, fury, raving.

What does shark frenzy mean?

“A shark feeding frenzy occurs when a number of sharks fight for the same prey. Sharks are usually solitary diners, and a feeding frenzy indicates why that might be. To an observer, it looks like the sharks lose their mind biting at anything that’s in their way in an uncontrollable rage.

What is the meaning of frenzy of fear?

excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion. “a frenzied look in his eye” synonyms: frantic, frenetic, phrenetic agitated. troubled emotionally and usually deeply.

What does illuminating mean?

providing insight, clarity, or understanding

How do you use illuminate in a sentence?

  1. We illuminate the enemy plane with searchlights in order to shoot at it.
  2. They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.
  3. The bomber dropped a flare to illuminate the target.
  4. The study of the present also helps to illuminate the past.

What is the root of illuminate?

Word Origin for illuminate C16: from Latin illūmināre to light up, from lūmen light. WORD OF THE DAY.

What is illumination of the Bible?

Illumination of Christian Bibles seems to have been taken place from an early date. In this Greek Bible, the decorative panels at the end of each book (‘endpieces’) include stylised botanical images as well as other forms, such as a chalice, a Eucharistic symbol.

What is illuminate makeup for?

If there’s one illuminating trick you should know, it’s this one. It will brighten your face and makes you look more awake in the morning, and naturally “lifts” the face without the need of fillers and Botox. Here’s how it works: Looking into a mirror, tuck your chin in so you’re looking up.

What is the base or root for illuminate?

Illumination can also refer to an understanding or a spiritual awareness, like when a mystery of your faith suddenly makes sense to you. The Latin root is illuminationem, “throw into light” — you can picture the light bulb over a person’s head in a cartoon to remember the various meaning of illumination.

What is the base word for illuminate?

illuminate (v.) 1500, “to light up, shine on,” a back-formation from illumination or else from Latin illuminatus, past participle of illuminare “light up, make light, illuminate.” Earlier was enlumyen (late 14c.)

What does prominently mean?

1 : standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line : protuberant. 2a : readily noticeable : conspicuous. b : widely and popularly known : leading.

What does illuminated soul mean?

It’s a moment of old awakenings and new purpose. It’s a moment of appreciation and gratitude and love. The kind of love and connection that until this morning, you thought only belonged to others (or so you thought). Your life is illuminated by truth, which contains love & connection & fullness of meaning.