What does Jauntiness mean?

What does Jauntiness mean?

being happy, carefree, and confident

What is an example of anathema?

The definition of an anathema is a person or thing who is detested or hated. Adolf Hitler is an example of an anathema.

What does complacency mean?


What is a complacent person?

According to Dictionary.com, complacent is “pleased, esp. with oneself or one’s merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied.” As you can see from this definition, being complacent is an internal feeling.

Is complacency a bad thing?

Complacency destroys progress. It is one of the only things you can do that cannot be justified into achieving your goal of any kind. Even people who are overworked, and burn’t out can get complacent with working a lot and dealing with burn out as opposed to achieving their goal of being lazy.

What does complacency look like?

Complacency is defined as – a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

How does complacency kill?

I looked up the meaning of “complacency kills” online and this is what I found: “It finds vulnerability in the comfort of past success and plants itself in the crevices. It waits for you to develop over-confidence, to lose sight of the dangers around you, to become unaware of the deficiencies you have developed.”

What causes complacency in relationships?

“Many couples become complacent in relationships simply because they spend more time focused on their devices than they do on their relationship,” the Browns say. “The challenge is that with so much virtual connection it’s easy to become physically disconnected.

How does complacency happen?

Complacency is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies”. The unsafe acts (speeding, multiple lane changes, backing without looking, etc.) may be a result of drivers becoming complacent with their driving habits.

What is risk complacency?

You’ve done the important legwork to protect your business against undue risk. Complacency – that sense of quiet pleasure or security, usually accompanied by a lack of awareness of potential dangers or deficiencies – is the enemy of excellence and can be the single largest threat to any business.

How do you find complacency?

  1. Disengaged.
  2. Stop Thinking.
  3. Stop Taking Initiative.
  4. Don’t Invest in Themselves.
  5. Are Not Managing Their Personal Brand.
  6. Take Shortcuts.
  7. Don’t Take Any Risks.
  8. Lost Their Passion.

How do you avoid complacency at work?

  1. Stay on guard. Some firms work hard to make sure that they have energized and engaged employees who really treat all customers well.
  2. Share the mission.
  3. Recognize exceptional service.
  4. Correct poor performance.
  5. Avoid routines.
  6. Ask for feedback.
  7. Reward employees.
  8. Strike a balance.

What does complacent mean at work?

Complacency refers to a feeling of satisfaction with the way things are, accompanied by a lack of awareness of potential or actual problems or dangers. Complacency signifies a missing spark, a lack of enthusiasm, a certain ho-hum-ness.

How can I improve my complacency?

6 Ways to Defeat Complacency

  1. Recognize it. You have to acknowledge that complacency exists in order to address it.
  2. Put it in context. Complacency won’t likely occur until you have had some success, so recognize and celebrate the success first.
  3. Set new goals.
  4. Keep your purpose clear.
  5. Create healthy competition.
  6. Remember history and human nature.

What’s another word for complacency?

SYNONYMS FOR complacent 1 smug, unbothered, untroubled.

What is another word for comfortable?

Comfortable Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for comfortable?

cosyUK cozyUS
comfy relaxing
snug pleasant
agreeable cushy
easy enjoyable