What does legitimizing a child mean?

What does legitimizing a child mean?

Legitimizing a child born out of wedlock in Georgia requires the marriage of the child’s biological parents, or by filing a petiton to legitimize the father’s right to the child in superior court within the mother’s residential area.

What’s another word for legitimate?

Legitimate Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for legitimate?

lawful sanctioned
acceptable bona fide
accepted rightful
authentic genuine
true right

What is another word for Dart?

SYNONYMS FOR dart 1 arrow, barb. 6 dash, bolt, shoot.

What’s the opposite of legitimate?

What is the opposite of legitimate?

invalid unacceptable
baseless illegitimate
illogical irrational
nonvalid spurious
faulty groundless

What does inextricably mean?

1 : forming a maze or tangle from which it is impossible to get free. 2a : incapable of being disentangled or untied an inextricable knot. b : not capable of being solved.

What is a legitimate heir?

adj. 1 born in lawful wedlock; enjoying full filial rights.

Which is the best definition for legitimate as it is used in the selected sentence?

Being in compliance with the law; lawful. Being in accordance with established or accepted. patterns and standards.

What is an example of a manifestation?

Example: Their love manifests in the form of the many nice things they do for each other. Manifestation: (noun) This is an event, action, or object that clearly portrays a specific idea or notion. Example: The loud protest was a manifestation of anger towards the newly proposed policies.

What does orient mean?

1 : to direct (something, such as a book or film) toward the interests of a particular group. 2a : to set right by adjusting to facts or principles. b : to acquaint with the existing situation or environment. 3a : to set or arrange in any determinate position especially in relation to the points of the compass.

What does orient mean in writing?

Both “orient” and “orientate” are verbs meaning to align or position yourself; to work out where you are within a particular situation or environment. The origin of both words is the same : the Latin word oriens meaning “rising” and “east”, because of the rising sun.

What does orient yourself mean?

: to find out where one is The hikers stopped to orient themselves by looking at their map.

What is another word for Orient?

What is another word for orient?

align place
position dispose
orientate put
set situate
array arrange

What does orient mean in plants?

: the countries of eastern Asia a plant that grows in the Orient.

What is another name for inform?

What is another word for inform?

tell advise
brief enlighten
apprise notify
acquaint instruct
edify update

What does acquit mean?

Not guilty