What happens to my car payment if I join the military?

What happens to my car payment if I join the military?

Protection Against Car Repossession Under the SCRA. The SCRA prevents car loan lenders from repossessing your car without a court order while you’re in military service. To qualify, you must have signed the loan agreement and paid at least the deposit or first installment payment before you entered military service.

Should I sell my car before joining the military?

you’ll still need a car pretty much anywhere you get stationed. it’s only a matter of getting it to you which the navy helps you with anyway. don’t sell it.

Can bad credit stop you from joining the military?

A bad credit history can affect your plans to enlist and advance in the military. A history of bad credit could also affect your security clearance eligibility, which could make many military jobs unavailable to you.

Does army check your credit?

Credit Scores and Military Clearance Some branches of the military will run a credit check on anyone who wants to enlist, as part of a standard background check, while some will only run credit checks on those individuals who require a security clearance in their positions or ranks.

Can bad credit affect security clearance?

Imperfect financial circumstances, such as bad credit scores, can have a negative influence on your application and potentially cause your security clearance to be denied. However, the dollar amount associated with your financial troubles is usually less important than the reasons behind your financial situation.

Can my spouse credit affect my security clearance?

Some people applying for security clearances may have worries that their application will not be approved due to their spouse having poor credit history. While it is certainly not impossible that a spouse’s poor credit will affect a security clearance application, it is not automatic.

Can you lose your security clearance for adultery?

Having an open security incident on your file does not mean you’ll lose your clearance. We have so many active duty members who have had affairs, are in affairs, etc, and they all still hold their security clearances.

Do government jobs do background checks on spouses?

Every person hired for a job with the federal government must submit to a federal employment background check. All security clearances require additional checks that may include interviews with spouses, roommates, neighbors, friends, work colleagues, family members, or acquaintances.

Will a divorce affect my security clearance?

Whether an ex provided negative information to a background investigator or your financial status has changed, your divorce proceedings can negatively impact your clearance status.

How hard is it to get a secret clearance?

Obtaining a security clearance is no easy task, and not everyone who applies will be granted access. Stringent suitability requirements, particularly in the intelligence community, weed out many unqualified applicants before they ever reach security clearance processing.

What is higher than top secret clearance?

Information “above Top Secret,” a phrase used by the media, means either Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP). It is not truly “above” Top Secret, since there is no clearance higher than Top Secret. The SCI designation is an add-on, not a special clearance level.

How far back does a secret clearance go?

five years