What is another word for busy?

What is another word for busy?

Synonyms & Antonyms of busy

  • active,
  • assiduous,
  • bustling,
  • diligent,
  • employed,
  • engaged,
  • hopping,
  • industrious,

What is a synonym for pleasure?


  • comfort.
  • contentment.
  • enjoyment.
  • gratification.
  • joy.
  • luxury.
  • satisfaction.
  • thrill.

What is the base word for pleasure?

pleasure (n.) late 14c., plesire, “source of enjoyment, pleasing quality or thing, that which pleases or gratifies the senses or the mind,” from Old French plesir, also plaisir “enjoyment, delight, desire, will” (12c.), from noun use of infinitive plaisir (v.)

What does great pleasure mean?

phrase​spoken formal. DEFINITIONS1. 1. used for emphasizing that you are very happy or proud to do something. It’s a great pleasure to introduce tonight’s guest speaker, Mr Dennis Taylor.

What is the example of pleasure?

Pleasure is defined as to please or gratify someone. An example of pleasure is to cook someone a very special meal. Pleasure means the state of being pleased, delighted or gratified. An example of pleasure is enjoying reading books.

Where to use it’s my pleasure?

“My pleasure” is an idiomatic response to “Thank you.” It is similar to “You’re welcome,” but more polite and more emphatic. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it.

What a pleasure meaning?

the state or feeling of being pleased. enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking; gratification; delight. worldly or frivolous enjoyment: the pursuit of pleasure.

What is the highest form of pleasure?

peace of Mind

What is it’s my pleasure?

You can say ‘It’s a pleasure’ or ‘My pleasure’ as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. [formulae] ‘Thanks very much anyhow. ‘—’It’s a pleasure. ‘

What to say after it’s my pleasure?

Typically, someone says “it was my pleasure” after the person they’re talking with says “thank you”. It’s another way of saying “you’re welcome.” Therefore, after this exchange, there’s no further response needed.

Can I say it was a pleasure meeting you?

This is a polite phrase that you say to someone that you’ve just met for the first time at the end of the conversation. It’s a bit formal. If you made a lot of jokes with this person during your conversation, you might use the casual version. …

What are different ways to say pleasure?

other words for my pleasure

  • forget it.
  • it’s nothing.
  • no problem.
  • no worries.
  • not at all.
  • you are welcome.

How do you say it’s my pleasure?

Here are a few more ways to say “You’re welcome” in English.

  1. You got it.
  2. Don’t mention it.
  3. No worries.
  4. Not a problem.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. It was nothing.
  7. I’m happy to help.
  8. Not at all.

How do you say pleasure is mine?

Usually, if I’m saying “The pleasure is all mine”, it’s in response to “Nice to meet you.” Someone says “nice to meet you” to me, and I say, “The pleasure is all mine.” I can also say this at the end of the meeting, to express that the pleasure of the meeting was all mine.

When a guy say you’re all mine?

Originally Answered: If your boyfriend says “You’re mine,” what does that mean? My husband and I say this to each other as a form of endearment, simply meaning “you’re my only one, and I’m yours, too.” We say it to express commitment, fidelity, and certaintity.

How do you say thank you in a flirty way?

Cute Ways to Say Thank you

  1. You make me jump for joy.
  2. I’m beaming with appreciation for you.
  3. You make me feel so lucky.
  4. I wish I could be as thoughtful as you.
  5. You knew exactly what to get me.
  6. This is so heartfelt.

How do you tell someone they did a good job?

For work completed fairly, accurately, and on time

  1. Thank you!
  2. Good work, as always.
  3. Thanks for getting this done.
  4. You are a lifesaver.
  5. Thank you for pulling everyone/everything together on such short notice.
  6. I appreciate you getting this to me so quickly so I have time to review it.
  7. Thanks for your help today.