What is another word for stricken?

What is another word for stricken?

Stricken Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for stricken?

affected afflicted
hit injured
struck troubled
wounded smitten
deeply affected harmed

How do you use stricken?

Stricken sentence example

  1. Stricken , she wrapped her arms around her knees and began to cry.
  2. Henry, stricken with sore disease, was unable to reap the advantage.
  3. Herod was stricken with an incurable disease.
  4. With the exceptions of 1891 and 1894, every year in the period 1891-1900 was stricken by drought.

What does it mean to be stricken at home?

hit or wounded by a weapon, missile, or the like. beset or afflicted, as with disease, trouble, or sorrow: stricken areas; a stricken family. deeply affected, as with grief, fear, or other emotions.

What’s the meaning of hefty?

quite heavy

Is striked through?

The past tense of strike through is struck through. The present participle of strike through is striking through. The past participle of strike through is struck through or stricken through.

Is striked a word?

(nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of strike.

What is another word for stuck out?

What is another word for stuck out?

took endured
gone went
stood for survived
resisted sticked
stuck stood up to

What does stuck out to you mean?

stick something out to someone to hold something, such as one’s hand, out where someone can grasp it. Ted stuck out his hand to Bill, but withdrew it suddenly.

What does being stuck-up mean?

English Language Learners Definition of stuck-up informal : acting unfriendly towards other people because you think you are better than they are.

What is the meaning of stuck it out?

/stɪk/ stuck | stuck. informal. to continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation: I know things are difficult right now, but if we just stick it out, I’m sure everything will be OK in the end.

What is a better word for stuck?

See definition of stuck on Dictionary.com. adj.tight. adj.stranded. adj.perplexed. adj.fastened.

What does stick in mean?

Verb. 1. stick in – insert casually; “She slipped in a reference to her own work” slip in, sneak in, insert. add, append, supply – state or say further; “`It doesn’t matter,’ he supplied”

What stick together means?

informal. : to continue to support each other Families need to stick together.

What is another word for sticking with it?

What is another word for stick with it?

keep trying carry on trying
continue go the distance
stick at it stick at
stand fast hang in
press ahead hang in there

What is a word for sticking together?

What is another word for stick together?

cleave stick
adhere join
link cling
cohere conjoin
attach combine

What are two things that stick together?

Things that stick together:

  • Two black holes which have merged.
  • Two neutron stars which have merged (into a more massive neutron star, or into a black hole)
  • Atomic nuclei particles (protons and neutrons)
  • Two cars cruising along on the freeway, with one of them tailgating.
  • Duct tape (to itself) before you can stick it to where you want it to go.

What is another word for Unite?

Some common synonyms of unite are associate, combine, connect, join, link, and relate.