What is required to join the JDF?

What is required to join the JDF?

5 CXCs/CSEC/GCE O Levels, inclusive of Mathematics and English Language. Applicants with tertiary qualifications who have not passed Mathematics and English Language at the stated examinations must present a transcript of the Mathematics and English Language results from the University they attended.

How long does the JDF training last?

HOW LONG IS THE TRAINING PERIOD FOR BOTH COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS? Training for Commissioned Officers can range from nine (09) to fifteen (15) months, depending on the training institution.

What is the salary of a JDF soldier?

4 Jamaica Defence Force employees have shared their salaries on Glassdoor….Jamaica Defence Force Salaries.

Job Title Salary
Army Soldier salaries – 1 salaries reported 115,000/mo
Account Technician salaries – 1 salaries reported 990,000/yr

How long does it take to train a soldier?

Basic Combat Training comes in three phases and lasts about ten weeks, depending on your military occupational specialty (MOS). After you graduate from basic training, you will undergo two additional phases of training, known as Advanced Individual Training, where you will learn the job skills required of your MOS.

Do you have to shave your head to join the army?

Hair: Do not shave your head before leaving for basic training. This applies to both males and females. Do not even arrive at basic with a military style cut (Flat Top, High-and-tight, etc.). All facial hair should be shaved thoroughly before arriving at basic training.

Why do soldiers wear dog tags?

The main purpose of the military dog tags is to identify soldiers that are wounded or killed while they are in action. Generally, each soldier is allotted two dog tags. One of them is worn at the neck as a chain and the other is kept inside the shoes of the soldier.

Can you have tattoos in the army?

The Army tattoo policy was updated and relaxed in 2015 but is still one of the most strict in the military. It prohibits any tattoos on the head, face, neck, wrists, hands, or above the t-shirt collar. Essentially, any visible body tattoos are prohibited.