What is the average cost of living in Detroit?

What is the average cost of living in Detroit?

Detroit cost of living is 87.6

Housing 23.2 100
Median Home Cost $53,700 $231,200
Utilities 89.7 100
Transportation 178.3 100

Is Detroit the poorest city?

Cleveland, at 30.8% of its residents living below the poverty line, was the poorest large U.S. city in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey results released Thursday. Detroit was second at 30.6%, a decline of 2.8 percentage points to its lowest level since before 2010.

Is Flint Michigan a poor city?

FLINT — Flint has the nation’s second-highest poverty rate among cities with at least 65,000 residents, and Detroit ranks fourth, according to 2018 data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Is Detroit a ghost town?

Detroit is often likened to a ghost town. Parts of the city are so abandoned they have been described as looking like farmland, urban prairie, and even complete wilderness. In the 1940s, Detroit was the fourth-largest city in the US thanks in large part to the automobile industry.

Is Detroit dangerous for tourists?

Detroit is generally safe for tourists, though some neighborhoods are best avoided. A crime that does occur is mainly between members of street gangs or individuals who know each other, and in areas that are of no interest to visitors. Avoid sketchy neighborhoods and take normal precaution measures.

Should I buy a house in Detroit?

If you want a home that you plan to live in for a while, then yes, it’s a great time to buy—interest rates are still low, and it’s often less expensive to own than to rent in many parts of the city. If you’re hoping to flip a house or buy one strictly as an investment, you might want to wait for a downshift.