What is the best anti anxiety medication for the elderly?

What is the best anti anxiety medication for the elderly?

Venlafaxine is FDA-approved for GAD and social anxiety disorder and has been found effective for treatment of anxiety in the elderly [38] Similar to the side effect profile in SSRIs, sexual side effects are seen with venlafaxine, as well as sweating.

How anxiety presents differently in older adults?

Anxiety disorders are associated with lower compliance with medical treatment, which could worsen chronic medical conditions and increase the risk for nursing home admission. Anxious older adults report decreased life satisfaction, memory impairment, poorer self perception of health, and increased loneliness.

How do you comfort elderly?

Listen attentively, demonstrate compassion, and provide words of encouragement. A listening ear and empathetic demeanor can go a long way in lifting someone’s spirits. Encourage the person to practice self-care by eating nutritiously, exercising (if appropriate), getting adequate rest, and avoiding unnecessary stress.

How can I help the elderly with loneliness?

10 Things You Can Do Today to Combat Senior Isolation

  1. Senior Isolation and Loneliness in the U.S.
  2. 10 Things You Can Do Today to Combat Senior Isolation.
  3. Promote Sense of Purpose.
  4. Make Transportation Available.
  5. Get Them a Pet.
  6. Get Them Involved in the Community.
  7. Encourage Exercise.
  8. Keep Up Doctor Visits.

What is the most common anxiety disorder in older adults?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most common anxiety disorder among older adults, though anxiety disorders in this population are frequently associated with traumatic events such as a fall or acute illness.

What do seniors want most?

When they were asked which factor is most important to maintain a high quality of life in their senior years, staying connected to friends and family was the top choice of 4 in 10 seniors, ahead of having financial means (30 percent).

What are seniors most concerned about?

The top ten concerns facing senior citizens today include: Health Care Costs – The older we get, the more healthcare we need. Disease – Alzheimer’s, dementia, cataracts, macular degeneration, and osteoporosis – these health issues and more threaten a person’s day-to-day functioning capabilities.