What is the opposite of outrageous?

What is the opposite of outrageous?

outrageous. Antonyms: moderate, justifiable, reasonable. Synonyms: excessive, unwarrantable, unjustifiable, wanton, flagrant, nefarious, atrocious, violent.

Is Flamboyant a bad word?

Because it is applied almost exclusively to homosexuals, “flamboyant” is one of those words that rides the line of being offensive. And in the context of Elton John or any other homosexual, “flamboyant” is a dangerous word.

What’s another word for flamboyant?

Synonyms & Antonyms of flamboyant

  • arresting,
  • bodacious,
  • bold,
  • brilliant,
  • catchy,
  • commanding,
  • conspicuous,
  • dramatic,

What does OP stand for?

original poster

What is another word for overpowering?

SYNONYMS FOR overpower 1 vanquish, subjugate, conquer, defeat, beat.

What does overpowered mean in gaming?

The terms “overpowered” (op) and “underpowered” (up) are used on game elements and game mechanics that are too good or bad to describe a lack of game balance. Ian Schreiber, however, offers a more precise definition: If a game element is too strong even with the highest possible cost, it is overpowered.

What does Nerfed mean in gaming?

In computer gaming, a nerf is a change to a game that downgrades the power, effectiveness or influence of a particular game element in the attempt to achieve balance. The term originated as a reference to the NERF brand of child toys, which are made to minimize possible damage.

What does Nerf stand for?

Non-Expanding Recreational Foam

Why is it called a buff?

buff Add to list Share. There is also a soft-surfaced, yellowish kind of leather that’s called buff, which is where the word came from — it was called buffe leather, or “leather made of buffalo hide,” in the 16th century, and the practice of polishing leather gives buff its meaning as a verb: to polish.

What does Nerfed mean in lol?

Weaken a Game Feature

What does it mean for a gun to be nerfed?

verb (used with object) (lowercase)Slang. (in a video game) to reconfigure (an existing character or weapon), making it less powerful: The game development team nerfed several guns in the recent update.

What does Buff mean in lol?

A buff is any status effect given to a champion or a minion that gives them a beneficial boost to their performance. The opposite is called a debuff.

Did the Renettis get nerfed?

Bye-bye, Renettis Many will be thrilled to see the Akimbo Renettis hard nerfed after much community outcry. Patch 1.21 sees its ammo decreased, damage decreased, and spread significantly increased.

Did the Kilo 141 get nerfed?

Raven Software have briefly revealed nerfs to the Dragon’s Breath R9-0 and Kilo 141, alongside buffs to the BOCW gun ranges. Now, Raven Software’s Creative Director Amos Hodge briefly clarified that the game’s most abused guns have, in fact, been nerfed.

Did the RPG get nerfed warzone?

Call of Duty Warzone: RPGs Buffed Instead Of Being Nerfed.

Did FAL get buffed?

Meanwhile, Infinity Ward has tweaked the FAL. This popular assault rifle has seen an increase in headshot damage (two-hit at range with one headshot), and a reduction in near damage (limbs and lower torso always three shot).

Is the FAL good warzone?

Make no mistake, the FAL is one of the best Warzone guns and should absolutely be considered for your next best Warzone loadout. The only drawbacks of the FAL are its aim down sight speed, ammo capacity, and sprintout time – and these are only mediocre rather than outright poor.

Is kilo nerfed?

The Kilo wasn’t nerfed.

Is the Kilo 141 still good?

The Kilo 141 is one of the most consistent assault rifles in all of Call of Duty: Warzone. Of course, as it’s still a rifle, medium to long-range gunfights are the Kilo 141’s bread and butter.

Did the M13 get a buff?

In the update yesterday, Infinity Ward buffed the M13 quite heavily. Take a look at the official patch notes: “M13: Range increase, Small reduction to horizontal recoil, Small damage increase to boost headshot effectiveness.”

Is the R9 shotgun still good?

The R9-0 with dragon’s breath rounds is still a powerful shotgun in Warzone, but the gun is far less forgiving after Raven nerfed the weapon last month. While the shotgun is still dominant, the two shell pump is too slow if players fail to down an enemy in two shots.

What shotgun has Dragon’s Breath?

The Dragon’s Breath Rounds appear in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. In the campaign mission “Into the Furnace”, they are equipped on the DP-12 shotgun, which is referred to as “DP-12 Incendiary” in the HUD.