What is the verb form of final?

What is the verb form of final?

(transitive) To make final or firm; to finish or complete. (computing) To prepare (an object) for garbage collection by calling its finalizer.

How do you spell finally?

Spelling of Finally: Finally is spelled f-i-n-a-l-l-y. Definition of Finally: Finally is an adverb meaning after a long time, and it usually involves some sort of delay or difficulty. Additionally, it is often used to introduce the last premise or point in an argument.

How do you spell always?

Correct spelling for the English word “always” is [ˈɔːlwe͡ɪz], [ˈɔːlwe‍ɪz], [ˈɔː_l_w_eɪ_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ALWAYS

  1. als,
  2. Alles,
  3. alias,
  4. allis,
  5. Aliza,
  6. Alyssa,
  7. Alica,
  8. alky,

How do you spell already?

Correct spelling for the English word “already” is [ɔːlɹˈɛdi], [ɔːlɹˈɛdi], [ɔː_l_ɹ_ˈɛ_d_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ALREADY

  1. aleyrodes,
  2. allred,
  3. alert,
  4. alred,
  5. alertly.

How do you spell promise?

Correct spelling for the English word “promise” is [pɹˈɒmɪs], [pɹˈɒmɪs], [p_ɹ_ˈɒ_m_ɪ_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for PROMISE

  1. premises,
  2. premiss,
  3. premise,
  4. promisee,
  5. promiser,
  6. prionace,
  7. primus,
  8. promisor,

How do you spell laughing?


  1. laegh – 13.9%
  2. lgh – 7.62%
  3. laug – 5.33%
  4. lagh – 3.43%
  5. laph – 2.67%
  6. Other – 67.05%

What does laughter mean?

laughter(noun) the activity of laughing; the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn.

What’s the meaning of laughing?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1a : to show emotion (such as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound The audience was laughing hysterically. b : to find amusement or pleasure in something laughed at his own clumsiness.

What is the meaning of daughter of?

noun. a female child or person in relation to her parents. any female descendant. a person related as if by the ties binding daughter to parent: daughter of the church. anything personified as female and considered with respect to its origin: The United States is the daughter of the 13 colonies.

What is this word daughter?

1 : a female child or offspring. 2 : a woman or girl associated with or thought of as a child of something (as a country, race, or religion) The book tells the stories of two daughters of Africa. daughter. noun.

What is opposite word of daughter?

daughter(noun) Antonyms: father, parent, son, mother.

What is the opposite of daughter?

Antonym of Daughter

Word Antonym
Daughter Son
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of girl?

What is the opposite of girl?

woman lady
matron adult female
mature lady old lady

What is the opposite word of doctor?

Noun. ▲ (patient) Opposite of a specialist in healing or medicine. patient. sufferer.

Is Beautiful a unisex word?

Definitely. It’s a universal/unisexual way of conveying appreciation for someone who is much more than “cute” or even “hot. “ However, it is a word that should be used sparingly and only when you truly mean it. Yes, you can absolutely use the word “beautiful” for a boy (or a man).