What was the first state to join the union after the original 13?

What was the first state to join the union after the original 13?

Dates of Succession to the Union

1 Delaware 1787
13 Rhode Island 1790
14 Vermont 1791
15 Kentucky 1792
16 Tennessee 1796

Why are there only 48 stars on the American flag?

The 48-star flag is the flag that soldiers and sailors fought for during World War II. It is the flag to which children, mothers, and wives pledged their allegiance at home while their loved ones went into battle overseas. It is the flag that the Marines raised over Iwo Jima in 1945.

Is it illegal to fly the US flag upside down?

The FBI rep said there is no law against flying the flag upside down. The Flag Code clearly states that the American flag is not to be flown upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.”

Is it disrespectful to hang an American flag on a wall?

Don’t hang your flag backwards, upside down, or in another inappropriate fashion. If you’re hanging your flag vertically (like from a window or against a wall), the Union portion with the stars should go on the observer’s left. Never dip the flag to any person or anything.

Is it disrespectful to wear the flag as a cape?

The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free.

Is it disrespectful to fly the American flag on your truck?

Flying the American flag in the bed of a pickup truck isn’t a traffic violation, but it could be a patriotic issue if left unchecked. Flying the American flag in the bed of a pickup truck isn’t a traffic violation, but it could be a patriotic issue if left unchecked.

Why is it disrespectful to have a flag touch the ground?

The Flag Code states that the flag should not touch anything beneath it, including the ground. This is stated to indicate that care should be exercised in the handling of the flag, to protect it from becoming soiled or damaged. You are not required to destroy the flag when this happens.

Do you burn a flag if it touches the ground?

Instead, the code stipulates, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Unless hitting the ground once renders the flag unfit for display, there’s no need to burn it.

Can you fly a military funeral flag?

Fly it. Should a flag used for a military funeral be flown? The official flag code does not make mention of the issue; some hold that once a flag is folded it should remain folded, while others have concluded that it is a noble and patriotic way to honor the life of the military service member.

Do all veterans get a military funeral?

Almost all veterans can receive military funeral honors at no cost. They are also usually eligible for free memorial items including: Headstones, markers, and medallions.