What your is correct?

What your is correct?

Your is a possessive pronoun, and it describes a noun. If the word in question is being used as an adjective, then you should use your. You’re is a contraction, and there is an easy “test” you can complete to see if you should use it in a sentence.

How do you know which to use?

Understanding how to use YOUR and YOU’RE: Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. Your is always followed by a noun or gerund. You’re is the contraction of “you are” and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).

How do you use its in a sentence?

Some sentence examples of “its” used as a possessive include:

  1. This cheese is past its expiration date.
  2. Its front door will open when you’re nearby.
  3. This book is better than its cover would suggest.
  4. In its most basic form, this plan will work.
  5. This frog is too small for its aquarium.

How do you know when to use effect or affect?

Here’s the short version of how to use affect vs. effect. Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change.

How do you use affect and effect in a sentence?

Affect and Effect in Sentences

  1. An early frost in Florida can affect the orange crop negatively.
  2. One employee’s negativity can affect all the workers.
  3. Colorado was affected by severe flooding last summer.
  4. Not winning didn’t affect her as much as I thought it would.
  5. Your opinions do not affect my decision to move abroad.

Does something effect or affect you?

Affect and Effect can both take the form of a noun or a verb, but most often you will want to use “affect” as a verb, meaning “to produce a material influence upon or alteration in” and “effect” as a noun meaning “a change that results when something is done or happens.” Usually, something “affects” something to …

What is a positive effect?

“Positive affect” refers to one’s propensity to experience positive emotions and interact with others and with life’s challenges in a positive way. Conversely, “negative affect” involves experiencing the world in a more negative way, feeling negative emotions and more negativity in relationships and surroundings.

Did the cold affect or effect you?

The verb affect means “to act on; produce an effect or change in” as in The cold weather affected the crops (it produced a change in the crops … probably killing them). So, when you’re looking to use one of these two terms to express an action, chances are you’re looking for affect.

Could it be affected or effected?

Affected can be used as a past tense verb that means influenced or changed. It can also be used as an adjective to refer to a noun that has been affected (the affected body part). Effected is a past tense verb that means brought about or achieved. It’s a very subtle difference from affected.

What is another word for affected?

other words for affected

  • afflicted.
  • concerned.
  • damaged.
  • distressed.
  • impressed.
  • overwhelmed.
  • touched.
  • troubled.

What is the opposite of sufficient?

sufficient. Antonyms: inadequate, unequal, incompetent, unqualified, unadapted, insufficient, unsuited, meagre, bare, scanty, short, deficient. Synonyms: adequate, equal, competent, satisfactory, tit, qualified, adapted, suited, enough, ample.

What is the opposite of affect?

Opposite of to influence, usually emotionally. desensitiseUK. desensitizeUS.