Which state has the best 529 college savings plan?

Which state has the best 529 college savings plan?

Best Performance

  • Ohio’s 529 Plan, CollegeAdvantage.
  • SMART529 WV Direct College Savings Plan.
  • New York’s 529 College Savings Program — Direct Plan.
  • The Vanguard 529 College Savings Plan.
  • CollegeChoice 529 Direct Savings Plan.

Which state has the best performing 529 plan?

Top 10 performing 529 college savings plans

Rank State Performance Score
1 West Virginia 30.54
2 Louisiana 31.47
3 Indiana 31.62
4 New York 33.42

When a 529 plan is not the best college savings option?

Funds from a 529 plan that are not used for qualifying college expenses are subject to a 10% penalty and any gains are taxed at the parent’s marginal tax rate, which can be as high as 37% for tax year 2020 . If the beneficiary of the 529 plan receives a scholarship, the 10% penalty is waived.

How much should you invest in 529 plan?

With a 529 plan, solid monthly contribution amounts for a child born in 2017 would be about $165 for a public in-state school, $260 for public out-of-state, or $325 for a private university.

Can grandparents write off 529 contributions?

Yes, 529 plans accept third-party contributions, so a grandparent may contribute to a grandchild’s 529 plan account, regardless of who owns the account. This 5-year gift-tax averaging allows you to front-load contributions into a 529 plan without exceeding the $15,000 annual gift exclusion.

What states allow tax deductions for 529 contributions?

However, there are seven tax parity states that offer a state income tax benefit for contributions to any 529 plan:

  • Arizona.
  • Arkansas.
  • Kansas.
  • Minnesota.
  • Missouri.
  • Montana.
  • Pennsylvania.

Should a 529 be in the grandparents name?

A: 529 accounts owned by grandparents (or other non-parent) are not reportable as an asset on the FAFSA financial aid application. Grandparent owned 529 accounts are not counted in determining financial aid eligibility; all the more reasons for grandparents to make gifts to their grandchild’s 529 plan.

What if child does not go to college 529 plan?

Parents investing in a 529 college savings plan may wonder: “What if my child doesn’t go to college? Do I lose my invested money?” The simple answer is: No, you won’t lose your money. The funds in a 529 plan can be used in a number of other ways if your beneficiary decides not to pursue higher education.