Why did the jury take so long in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Why did the jury take so long in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Hover for more information. Atticus reveals that the jury took so long because there was at least one juror who took a long time to agree with the guilty verdict passed by the others; in fact, Atticus discloses that to begin with this man ‘was raring for an outright acquittal’ (chapter 23).

What bad news does Atticus bring home?

What bad news does Atticus bring home? The bad news is that Tom had attempted escape and had been killed by guards.

What man took the longest to be convinced that Tom was guilty?

Atticus tells Scout and Jem that the jury took longer than he expected to come to a verdict because “there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down – in the beginning he was rarin’ for an outright acquittal”. To the children’s surprise, that fellow was a relation of the Cunninghams.

How does Aunt Alexandra try to make a lady out of Scout?

Aunt Alexandra is determined for Scout to act like a “lady,” by wearing dresses and playing with “girl” toys. Scout has a tomboy personality and is determined to rebel against Alexandra’s expectations. Yet, in chapter 24 Scout does attempt to please Alexandra by attending her missionary circle.

What does aunt Alexandra think of scout?

Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout is dull because she hasn’t had a woman’s influence in her life. Scout knows nothing of the way a lady should act in society. She disapproves of the way Scout acts and the things she says. Aunt Alexandra thinks she is dull because of the ways she passes her time.

Why do aunt Alexandra and scout pretend that nothing is wrong when they return to the ladies?

Why do Aunt Alexandra and Scout pretend that nothing is wrong when they return to the ladies? Aunt Alexandra and Scout pretend nothing happened when they go back to the ladies because they don’t want the ladies to know so they don’t gossip about it.

Why won’t JEM kill the roly poly?

Why won’t Jem let Scout kill the roly-poly? Jem doesn’t let Scout kill the roly-poly because he feels bad for everything and he has seen a lot of injustice and is sick of it that he doesn’t want to see it anymore.

How does Miss Stephanie embellish what happened to Atticus?

How does Miss Stephanie embellish what happened to Atticus? She was being too dramatic about it. She added more and she over-exaggerated the story. She means that Atticus should be more cautious because Bob Ewell could do something really bad to him.

Why does Scout try to be a lady at the end of Chapter 24?

What Scout learns about what it meant to be a lady in Maycomb is troubling to her and to us as readers. She learned that being a lady meant gossiping about other people. It meant acting like you are doing good, but being a hypocrite about it.

Who is Mr Underwood in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Mr. Braxton Bragg Underwood is the owner of the local newspaper, The Maycomb Tribune.

How does Tom die in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Tom Robinson was shot while trying to escape from prison. In a way, Bob Ewell killed Tom Robinson. He was the one who accused him of raping Mayella. Since Tom didn’t really do it, but the jury convicted him anyway, Tom Robinson’s death was partly Ewell’s fault.

What does Miss Maudie teach scout about being a lady?

Miss Maudie tells Scout to be more lady-like, that she must wear a dress and camisole instead of overalls. Miss Maudie tries to teach Scout a lesson to start acting like a girl, if someone doesn’t change her, her future will be disappointing. If she becomes a lady she’ll have a better future and be accepted by society.

What does Miss Maudie say about mockingbirds?

“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”

What does Miss Maudie represent in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Along with Atticus, Miss Maudie is the voice of reason in Maycomb. She is kind towards Scout and Jem and can be relied upon to offer them sensible words of advice when Atticus is not present.

What does Miss Maudie say when her house burns down?

Maudie tells the children that she is glad her old house burned down and says that she always wanted a smaller house anyway. When Jem asks Miss Maudie how the fire started, she says, “I don’t know, Jem. I kept a fire in there last night for my potted plants” (Lee 46).

Who is Miss Maudie staying with now?

Miss Stephanie Crawford

Why did Mr Radley fill the tree with cement?

Why does Mr. Nathan Radley put cement in the knothole? He covered it with cement because the “tree was dying”, but really it was to stop Jem and Scout from putting things in it. Jem tells Scout not to cry, then questions Mr.

Why is Miss Maudie not upset?

When her house is destroyed, Miss Maudie does not mourn over her loss. The things she lost were just possessions which could be replaced. She was glad no one was hurt and that the fire did not spread.

Why can’t miss Maudie serve on a jury?

Why can’t Miss Maudie serve on a jury? Because she is a woman. Atticus has discovered that one of the jurors was surprisingly adamant about Tom Robinson’s innocence.

Why did Atticus lose the case?

Why did Atticus lose his first case? Atticus accepted Tom Robinson’s case because he knew no one else would want to take the case, and if anyone else did, he wouldn’t put on a good case or care whether Tom was convicted. Atticus knew the odds of getting Tom off from the very beginning, but he knew that he had to try.

Did Atticus Finch win the case?

The African American community loads the Finch family with food for defending Tom so valiantly, which surprises the children because Atticus didn’t win. Atticus tells Jem not to be disheartened because he will appeal Tom’s case, and they stand a much better chance of winning on appeal.

Does Atticus die?

Yes, Atticus does die in Lovecraft Country’s final episode.