Why post secondary education should be free?

Why post secondary education should be free?

Free tuition would provide significant economic benefit to Canada. Post-secondary graduates are more productive, earn higher incomes, pay more in taxes, use fewer healthcare services and are less likely to depend on social assistance. Making post-secondary education free would be an investment in Canada’s future.

What are the benefits of post secondary education?

Going to college offers career choices, the ability to make more money and personal skills that can be used by an individual over a lifetime. These include making decisions and personal choices, communication skills, and friendships.

Which careers need the most education?

Career Information for Jobs that Require Advanced Educational Training

  • Physicians and Surgeons.
  • Veterinarians.
  • Postsecondary Teachers.
  • Physicists and Astronomers.
  • Computer and Information Research Scientists.
  • Political Scientists.
  • Mathematicians and Statisticians.

What is the shortest doctor career?

A general practice doctor has the least amount of requirements for any medical doctor. While these doctors do still have four years of medical school and one to two years of residency after completing four years of undergraduate education, this is the minimum amount of education any medical doctor must undergo.

Whats the longest residency?

The length of residency depends mostly on the field a graduate chooses to take. Medical specialties such as family medicine and internal medicine often requires three years, whereas surgery usually requires a minimum of five, and neurological surgery is the longest at seven years.

How competitive is cardiothoracic?

With most cardiac surgeons of today, they’d all spend an additional year of research in cardiac surgery because the application process is incredibly competitive. That’s in cardiothoracic surgery. So that’s 4 years of medical school, 5 years of residency, and 2-3 years fellowship.