How do I get a marriage license in Jefferson County Colorado?

How do I get a marriage license in Jefferson County Colorado?

Applicants for a marriage license need not be Colorado residents. Last four digits of Social Security number (per C.R.S. 14-2-105). If an applicant does not have a social security number, an affidavit provided by the Jefferson County Clerk’s office must be signed.

What happens if I don’t respond to jury duty questionnaire?

While there is no consequence for not returning the jury questionnaire, Anderson said when a resident fails to return it, his or her name remains in the jury pool for the year and if his or her name is drawn for a specific trial, and they do not show up, the judge can find them in contempt of court.

How long do most jury trials last?

3-7 days

Is Social Anxiety an excuse for jury duty?

You speak with the judge and show him your letter from your doctor. In my jurisdiction, you would likely be excused. Some judges MIGHT require you to perform some other public service which will not activate or exacerbate your social anxiety. Most judges will just excuse you and give you some kind words.